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Lexi's POV

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example," I heard Loki saying as I quietly snuck up behind him as Steve dove in front of the old man who was about to be executed.

I smirked as I watched Loki get knocked on his ass, but flinched as my scars started to itch again.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Steve commented coldly.

"The soldier. A man out of time. And I see you brought a lady friend, how cute. It's a shame I will have to kill the both of you.

I frowned, surprised that Loki had managed to sense me despite the fact that I had used my powers to hide myself from view.

"I'm not the one who's out of time," Steve retorted as he clenched his hands into fists.

Just then, the Quinjet arrived and a machine gun was pointed towards Loki.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down," I heard Natasha say over the speaker.

Like greased lighting, Loki sent a blast of blue at the Quinjet. Natasha maneuvered it just in time, giving the Cap the time to throw his shield at Loki. They both begain to fight and I watched on in fear as Loki flung Steve to the ground.

Steve responded by throwing his shield, but Loki swatted it way and easily blocked Steve's punches, knocking him down a second time. I crept forward as Loki moved to stand over him, pointing the scepter's tip on his helmet.


"Not today!" Steve replied, flipping up and knocking Loki down with a swing of his leg.

Loki grabbed him and turned him over. I decided now was the time to step in.

I uncloaked myself and used my super speed to dart forward and pull Loki off of Steve and sent him flying into the wall behind me.

I glared at Loki as he slowly got to his feet, staring at me. We met each other's gaze and I glared at Loki as I felt him trying to invade my mind.

"Fascinating. You are not of this world; no human can resist me."

"Don't flatter yourself, Loki. You are not as powerful as you think," I replied, as my scars continued to burn. I frowned at his comment about being not of this world, but chose to ignore it since the dude was clearly delusional.

Loki stared at me in shock but quickly switched to a smirk as I continued to glare at him.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, my lady," he said.

"Well I can't say the feeling is mutual," I retorted. Loki brushed off my comment; continuing to grin at me. I forced myself to stand still as I watched his eyes rake me up and down as my scars continued to irritate me.

"I have to say, I am loving the outfit," he commented, his voice filled with lust and a hungry gleam in his eyes. I shifted, silently cursing Natasha for her choice of clothing.

"And you look like a pathetic attempt at impersonating a reindeer," I spat back.

Loki just chuckled as he leaned on his scepter.

"This world will soon be mine, as will you."

"The people of this world will never bend to your will, Loki - and I will never be yours," I said, fake gagging.

"Oh, really? Some of them already have," he replied as he glanced over at Clint, who I suddenly realized was in the room as well. "And you will feel differently when I have you on your back screaming my name," he added, smirking as he saw the way my body trembled at his words.

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