I Know I'm the One You Want to Forget

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(Pete's POV)

We walked into the bus, Joe & Andy sat on Patrick's bunk in confusion.

"What the fuck happened? Can someone tell us what's going on?" I looked at Patrick, He was already looking at me. I looked down at his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. We look at Joe & Andy, we were expecting shock & confusion, but instead we got.. "You owe $40!" Joe yelled at Andy, laughing in his face. Andy shoved Joe and slumped his shoulder. "Took you long enough." Now we were in shock. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "You're together, right?" "W-Well, not officially." Patrick stuttered, turning ruby-red. He's so adorable. "We've been waiting for this day for a long time." Andy said, laying back and crossed his arms. "So, care to explain what all that was before?" I let out a sigh, and turned to Patrick. "I''ll let you, I have something to take care of .." he said, turning around and walking out if the bus, phone in hand. "Okay, so after the show on.."

(Patrick's POV)

I held onto my phone, walking out if the bus. I walked a couple feet from them so they couldn't hear me, I know this isn't going to end well at all. I dialed Elisa's number, I know it's late.. but she needs to know. I hear a groggy-unfamiliar voice answer the voice. "Hello? Elisa's phone?" "C-Could I speak t-to uh, Elisa? .. Who is this?" "Who is this?" The voice replied with a tone I didn't appreciate. "Patrick, her husband." I raised my voice a little. Then the line went dead. Who the fuck was that? I know it wasn't one of her girl-friends. I called back a little upset this time. The same voice answered. "What do you want?" "I want to speak to my wife!" I yelled, I could hear the guys stop their conversation. "You must have the wrong number." He replied. Just as I opened my mouth I heard her voice. "I told you not to answer the phone! Hang u--" the line went dead, once again. Is she.. cheating on me? I know I cheated on her, but with my baby boy in the other room.. I felt sick. I took a couple steps back before falling on my ass. "Patrick, are you okay?" Andy said. I don't know to react. She was having sex with someone in my apartment, in my bed, with my son in the other room. I felt sick. I have no right to be angry, but I couldn't help it. Does this mean she's been having an affair for a while now? Have I been so blind? Is this why she won't touch me anymore? Why would she do this? I had just noticed Pete in front of me, attempting to get my attention. ".. ou okay? What happened, baby? Did she take it well?" "She's.. having an affair. In my house with my son in the other room." My pain turning into anger. "And it's been going on for a while. He just answers her phone like he owns the fucking place. Like he had awoke in the middle of the night to someone claiming to be married to his lover." "Patrick, calm down. It's okay." He held me in his arms, if it were anyone else I would shove them away and probably lost my shit. "I can't calm down, that's still m-my w-wife." My voice began to break. I know, I love Pete.. but she's my wife whether I'm on tour or not. "I know, baby. Come here." He held me closer, I sobbed onto his bare chest. I feel like nothing, I can only imagine the pain she'll feel. But why should I feel sorry for her? She is.. just as guilty as I. "Come on, Patrick. We should get some rest for tomorrow's show." He's right, it's already 4:16 AM. I held onto him as we walked into the bus. He laid me down and wrapped his arms around me. I continued to cry, until he whispered in my ear those magic words. "I love you, beautiful." I smiled and shut my eyes.

"I love you."

Hope you enjoyed this one! I am starting to slow down a little, the writer's-block is building up again. Love ya, Monkeys! XO!

Title comes "Miss Missing You" by Fall Out Boy, from their studio album "Save Rock And Roll" (2013)

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