Chapter 29

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The school's swimming pool had to be the best part of the school, if you just wanted to sit and think, without anyone barging in and disrupting your peace with gifts, or wanting a picture with you. If you just wanted to exist without anyone looking at you, like you're all they could see, yes, that was the kind of peace I could kill for at that moment. Thank God for Kingsley's recommendation.

It felt so good sitting on the diving board right above the pool and looking at the water, as the blue lights in it made it so sparkling and blue. You could see tiny waves in it whenever the wind came. I took a deep breath and looked at my phone's screen for the hundredth time. Six thirty PM, and ten missed calls from Manuel. I knew it was my first day and all, and I was supposed to be on my best behavior, but I had barely survived my first few hours of crazy, and wasn't ready to meet another few hours at home just yet. I needed some space, I needed to think, I needed some time to just stare into oblivion, and pretend like I didn't have so much going on in my life, the perfect life everyone thought I did. I opened my phone, and then my messages.

I could see Kora hadn't replied my text from that morning yet. I mean, not that I was beginning to complain, but I just couldn't understand why she always did that. Why she always kept me hanging, and why it bothered me so much, but I still couldn't tell her anything about it, because I was scared that if I did, I was only going to sound like a lady, and probably push her away. Why was I so drawn to her, when it was almost beginning to look like she couldn't give a damn about me? I scoffed.

You're beginning to look too desperate Jeremiah.

You know, things used to be a lot smoother for us before all the drama in her life started. Before she and her ex broke up, and I thought I could at least make everything better. Don't know why I thought that way, but that was how I felt, and it didn't look like she was thinking about me that way, about us. I didn't think she thought of me the way I did for her. Was I doing too much? Did I need to just calm down for a second and breathe? My attention got cut short when I heard a loud footstep echoing round the large room as someone ran in, the wind swaying her hair to and fro from behind her. I squinted my eyes for a second.

I watched how she hurried to the pool as fast as she could, still in her uniform. How on earth was anyone here? I thought Kingsley said no one ever came to the pool? She was backing me so I couldn't really see much but with the way she had her elbow struck a few inches beside her face, I could almost guess she was wiping tears away from her eyes. Was she crying? I could feel my grip loosening on my phone as I watched her carefully. For some reason I wanted to. There was something about her, something that interested me. I just didn't know what. She was beginning to take off her sneakers now as fast as she could. Was she really that much in a hurry for a swim? Her tie came off next. I scoffed. What else was she going to do? Strip naked?

"You've got to be kidding me." I whispered to myself, as I watched her unbutton her shirt quickly. It dropped to the ground, exposing the hook of her red bra, and then did the same to her skirt.

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