16 || For Life

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Will you hear me when I speak?
Do you feel the pain with me?


The entire house was deathly silent save for the drumming of light rain outside. I peeled my coat off, looking into the living room, not a single soul inhabiting it. 'I guess dad is still at the station. I hope he's keeping himself warm.' Dad was a big baby whenever he was sick. He didn't like people fussing over him even though he'd probably be in an early grave if we didn't. A low groan from upstairs stilled me. The footsteps were careful as the person continued shifting their weight along the floorboards. 

Cautiously I pulled the kitchen knife that was still sitting in my bag, quietly making my way up to where the sound had come from. My room. The door was fully closed. The shadow of the person bending the light that seeped from beneath the door. I tightened my grin on the wooden handle, preparing myself one last time. Without any warning I threw the door open, weapon raised, eyes wild. 

Jasper blinked amusedly at me. I released a huge sigh, deflating instantly. "What the hell Jazz! Stop giving me a heart attack, would you?" 

"Sorry." He blinked in deep concentration, coming closer. He nestled his head into my neck. I awkwardly allowed him to continue doing whatever he was doing. Can't say I didn't appreciate the close proximity. Compared to Paul who was like a personal heater Jasper's undead coldness helped to sooth my oncoming headaches. I think I was starting to get sick from being out in this weather for so long. 

He pulled back with a look of slight disgust. "You have their smell all over you." 

"Who? The shapeshifters?" 

He nodded. 

"Um, as far as I know, I wasn't near any shapeshifters today. Maybe it was while I was down at La Push. I've been everywhere." 

The matter didn't settle well with him but he let it go for the time being. I headed over to my closet to start changing my clothes. At this point, I've gotten over the nervous jitters of my boyfriend eyeing my body. He's seen everything - including my scars. I never want to see Jasper so livid ever again. The guy nearly ripped my room apart at the mere sight of it. When he demanded a background story he had to run some steam off in the woods otherwise the entire neighborhood would have found out he was a vampire. 

Together we've slowly worked on accepting one another's past. Every time I feel the jagged bites on Jasper's arm I understand exactly how he feels. No one so beautiful, kind, loving, and gentle as Jasper should have had to endure such hell. He shouldn't have to continue suffering for all of his entire immortal life for the decisions of some selfish, manipulative wench. 

"So, what was it that had you so hectic on the phone?" 

Jasper took a seat on my bed, smiling lopsidedly when I struggled to get my arms through the dark blue long sleeve. "I think...I should tell you about what's been going on. About the other vampires." 

Don't Let Go Of Me [ Jasper Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now