Magic kingdom

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Mina's POV
The car stopped " are we here" I asked " yes kitten" papa Min said the driver parked the car and papa Kookie picked me up and took me outside " Let's go let's go" I cheered I was about to start waking when papa Kookie chuckled " not so fast flower first sun screen "  he said " but papa it's so cold"  I whined
Papa Kookie chuckled and kissed my cheek " it's going to be alright flower " " but I won't get sun burned papa I won't I won't" I cried out  papa chim hold me while papa Kookie put sun screen on me " papa it's cold it's cold" I cried.. then papa Kookie picked me up " my darling it's alright " he hummed
We got to the park.. yoongi's POV " Make sure you don't lose her or have anyone else then us touch her" I hissed we got into the park " What are we doing first"  Taehyung asked  " can we do Peter Pan ride " she asked " yeah... " we said Mina's POV
We got to the Peter Pan ride and we got in line " it's about a 10 minute wait" papa Joon said "  " so who is going together " " I want to go with Mina " papa Jin said " me too" papa Min said

We reached the boarding dock for the ride and I sat In the middle of papa Jin and papa Min

We got off the ride " papas wasn't that so much fun" I said " so much fun" they said we waited for the rest of the papas to get off the rides " witch one now" papa hope said " can we see a show" I asked " yeah "
Papa hope took my hand  " let's go see a show" we walked to  the castle and papa hope picked me up
" Wait why are you guys wearing a mask" I asked " because we always do " papa Tae said " But I want one" I whined papa chuckled " here you go flower" papa Kookie pulled out a pink face mask I slipped it on and we watched the show " Can we go on big thunder" I asked " I'll take her" papa Kookie said " I'll go too" papa chimmy and papa Tae said " and the rest will go find somewhere to eat" papa Min said
Jungkook's POV we walked to big thunder and we got in line " papa pick me up" she asked I picked her up
Yoongi's POV
I looked at a young man holy shit it's Felix from stray kids we don't have the greatest past we used to be friends but then he got jealous that I was getting big off bangtan he looked at me and growled I looked away oh he better not cause any trouble !
We got a table in the be our guest restaurant for us
We walked to get mina and Jungkook and Jimin and Taehyung " papa Min we have to get ears " Mina said as I picked her up " good idea kitten" I said we walked to be our guest and we got to our table she sat on my lap " papa what are you going to order" " a steak maybe" I said " I want Mac and cheese papa"

Suddenly I heard Felix's voice " Long time no see" he hissed " Felix" they all said " your daughter is beautiful " as he looked at me. " she is like a cat small and adorable " " Go away brat" I hissed he chuckled " Make sure you keep her safe and warm Min Yoongi" he laughed as he walked away " Fuck I hate that man" I hiss " Stray kids I thought they would of learned by now" jin said " Who are stray kids" " they used to work for us but then something happened and they left and they still think they are good" " will they try to kidnap me ?" Mina said " I hope not and we will keep you safe and far far away from them " I hissed timeskip we finished up our lunch and we all went to go ride rides .. Mina and Jin went to go get her something
Mina's POV
Papa Jin bought me a dress I changed into it

" let's go show you to your other papa's" he said as he grabbed my hand Jungkook's POV I was talking to Tae when mina walked out in a beautiful belle dress " flower you look beautiful " I said we all were staring at her she was really adorable and...

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" let's go show you to your other papa's" he said as he grabbed my hand Jungkook's POV I was talking to Tae when mina walked out in a beautiful belle dress
" flower you look beautiful " I said we all were staring at her she was really adorable and beautiful
" beautiful " they whispered we went to a lot of different rides soon it was night time and we were waiting to see the fireworks Mina was sitting in jimin's lap the show started and Mina was amazed by the fireworks soon we walked out of the park and we walked to our van.. Mina was asleep in Jin's arms
" let's order a pizza and watch a movie " Yoongi said
" yeah that sounds fun" we got to the hotel and Jin picked up mina and we took her inside she soon woke up  " Papa can I change into pjs " she asked
Jin's POV 
" Of course" I brought her into the bathroom and changed her into a nightgown I picked her up " let's go to Jungkook's room for movie night" " Okay papa" I brought her into Jungkook's room " flower" he said Mina ran into his arms " papa Kookie"
" flower come sit in my lap" she nods her head as Jungkook pulls her into his lap " So What movie are we watching" Yoongi asked " I believe Star Wars" Jungkook said Jungkook's POV I cuddled Mina we ate the pizza and watched the movie when it ended Jin asked " so who is sleeping with her tonight" " I want to" I said " Okay" Jin said we said goodnight to the other members and Mina soon fell asleep I couldn't get to sleep I was wondering about Stray kids what if they tried to kidnap Mina or hurt her or kill her...? " Jungkook are you okay" I heard taehyung asked " No.. I'm just worried what if Stray kids actually tried to kidnap Mina when we get back home" I asked " It's going to be okay Jungkook we won't let them touch Mina I won't let them " Taehyung climbed into our bed " and if they do I'll kill them " he hissed I hugged taehyung" thanks Tae" I mumbled as I fell alseep

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