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Pain is a scale.

This means just because you have gone through a 7 in your life, somebody else's 3 is not painful.

Pain is a scale and it is also subjective.

So this means that just because you feel somebody's pain can not "measure" up to yours, doesn't give you the right to devalue what they are going through. Not everyone will experience level 10 pain. The worst someone may feel is a level 2 or a level 4, but that does not give you the right to criticize the way someone deals with that pain, especially when it doesn't involve you.

So yes, pain is a scale and it can be measured and it can look like it's not much, but that could be everything to one person.

So you have no right to decided how severe someone's pain is based on your own experiences. After all, your scale could be different from theirs.

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