Chapter 5

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Her eyes are different. The pure innocence and warmth that used to flood her eyes were nowhere in sight. They were now dull, lifeless, hopeless. I have kept my eyes locked onto her since I ran in here, and she has done the same with me. I wasn't sure what she was looking for, but I hoped she found it. 

Her eyes were not the only things that were different. I could tell that she was in agony just by looking at her face. Everything about her was different now. Over the past couple of days, I have learned more about Camila then I have in twenty-two years of friendship.

"Lo, your eyes, they are different."

I almost cried at the sound of her voice. It was broken but still angelic sounding. "Oh? How so, Camzi?"

When I spoke, I thought I saw a glimmer in her eye for a second, but I am not quite sure. "They are filled with darkness." I walked over to her bed and sat down. "Your eyes are not their usual emerald green. They are now a deep, dark, forest green."

I thought about saying something about her eyes, but I ultimately decided against it. I don't think she would want to hear about how lifeless her eyes have become. Right now, she only needed to hear positive things. As far as I am concerned, if anyone thinks that they can come in here talking negative, they can get right back out. I will see to that myself if I have to.

I have been in her room for an hour or so now, and Camila had fallen back to sleep. I promised her I would not leave the room, so here I sit in the unbelievably uncomfortable chair, trying to possibly take a nap. I figured sleep would come easier being in the same room as her, but the constant beeping, the sound of her oxygen, and the sound of her bed deflating then inflating every ten minutes made it hard to relax.

"Excuse me, Miss. Jauregui?"

I opened my eyes to see a couple of nurses in the room. "I'm sorry about that, I just needed to rest my eyes for a minute. I can leave if you guys need to do something, just know that if she wakes up and I am not here, it is going to be bad."

The nurse, whose tag read Hanshaw, smiled softly at me. This is the nurse who pretty much saved Camila's life. "There is no need for you to leave, Lauren. We came in to tell you that we are transporting her to a different room, one that is more comfortable. Her mother has requested a room with a guest bed or two for you and her to stay. We have upgraded, if you will, Camila to a better room. We will be back in a few minutes to transport her. Do you want us to wake her up or do you want to?"

I smiled a bit remembering just how much she hated being woke up. "I got it."

The nurses left the room, leaving me to wake her up. I have this routine on waking her up so she is not as grumpy, I could only pray that it would still work. Camila likes to lay on her side, so just like I use to, I cuddled up behind her in a spooning position. Weird for just being friends, I know, but we both really like cuddles. Almost instinctually, Camila backed herself into me so we could be closer. It is nice to see that some things haven't changed. After cuddling up, I slowly started humming in her ear gently waking her up. She smiled and cuddled into me more. Of course, she would. Why wouldn't she? I knew that she was faking sleep, I slowly started tracing things on her arm until she finally gave in. 

"You know, Lauren", she stopped to yawn for a second before continuing, "if you aren't careful someone might think that we are together."

She turned to face me and I scrunched my nose at her. "Well, I guess that is a risk I am willing to take. Now, get up sleepy. We are moving rooms." 

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