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The team may had escaped,but while on the way,they blamed Mariah for almost being eaten. Mariah knew it was their only option. But some had resented her. So she went to a park bench for a while to think if what she did is right. Jasmin accompanied her,but Mariah still underestimated herself.

Mariah:What have I done? I knew that's the only option for us to stay alive,but,why don't they get me? Looks like I'll be still alone,even when an apocalypse happens.

Jasmin:Mariah,you're not alone.You have me.Francis.Carlos.Andrea.

Mariah:Thanks Jasmin.

Jasmin:Mariah,remember what you said: "It's better to have less friends,who love you the most,rather than having many friends,who only..."

Mariah: "...use you."

Right after,they heard a wailing and crying sound like those of a baby.
Jasmin and Mariah went to the source of the sound,and realized that a mother is trying to get rid of a zombie,while trying to save her baby.
Mariah shot the zombie with an arrow but it landed on the back of the mob.Jasmin then shot a pistol to the zombie and it's a headshot.The zombie may had died,but the mother was bitten.She entrusted her child under Jasmin and Mariah's care. She kissed her baby first before giving it to them,and pleaded Mariah to kill her before she fully transforms. Their classmates then heard the shot of a gun. Later,they saw Mariah,carrying the baby.All of them ran. Jasmin told them everything that happened,but the team still don't trust Mariah,but now the said girl didn't care. The team walked on,and Mariah sang a little song to keep the child in a quiet mode,so no zombie can attack them.
It was 12 o' clock in the noon,and the sun's scorching hot,but they kept going. Mariah covered the head of the baby to protect it from heatstroke.

The team went on. It was now 3 o' clock in the afternoon.When...

To be continued...

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