11. The Farewell

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I walked down the stairs to find Amo stirring a pot on the stove. Quietly, I walked up to her and clutched her waist, placing my head on her back. 

''Good morning, Amo.'' I mumbled against her warm back.

''Oh! Good morning love. I didn't hear you come in. But you should say Assalamualaikum dear. It is more blessed.'' Amo returned sweetly, reaching behind her to pat my cheek. 

''Mmm....Assalamu alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu!'' I replied in a sleepy tone and stayed like that for another moment, basking in her motherly scent. Lifting my head, I went around to kiss Amo's hand. It was a custom here to kiss an elder's hand as a mark of respect. 

''Walaikumusalam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu, my child.'' Amo answered with a small smile and gave me a peck on cheek. I accepted it with a smile and filled the kettle to brew some chai. 

''Love, don't make any for Hadi.'' I heard Amo call out.

"Is he not awake yet?'' I turned to her with a frown.

"No, he left somewhere in a hurry. Didn't even say where.''  I nodded in understanding and went on with making tea. 


I came out of the shower and realised I hadn't checked my phone since yesterday. It didn't seem possible for me to survive without my phone but yesterday was so exciting that I had all but forgotten about my phone. It would've been nice if I didn't forget to charge my phone. I could have taken pictures that would help me go through the rest of my life.

'How many days has it been, anyways? I have lost count. I think it makes a week today—' I was wondering while waiting for my phone to start and literally felt the blood drain out of me, when the call notifications popped up.

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine on watching the familiar name pop on the screen. With trembling hands, I scrolled through the 57 missed calls from Navi and numerous text messages that I didn't dare open. But the worst was yet to come.

"I am sorry Aasi! I tried to cover up but it was impossible to convince Naveed—" I couldn't finish reading Saba's messages. It was over.

Still, in attempts to salvage the last remaining ray of desperation—I pressed his number.

"The number you're trying to reach is switched—"

I felt the air leave out of my lungs as I slumped to the bed and dropped my head in my hands.

'He knows. And he is coming for me. It's too late now." I felt my breath coming out in short bursts. It would've taken me a while to calm my breathing if the worst thought hadn't crossed my mind.

"Hadi! If he has found me—then he knows about Hadi too?? No—let's not think about the worst—I have only mentioned to Saba about my stay at Serena hotel—There is still hope to set everything right—" With newfound hope, I got up and started putting the stuff in my bag. All the while hoping and praying for Navi to not find me here.

After calling Saba, I found out my worst fears to be true. Navi had called me yesterday and when I didn't pick up, he found out that I was staying with Saba from my Mom. But it was impossible for Navi to not sense anything amiss and he just knew how to get the truth out from Saba. He was on flight to Islamabad last night, meaning he is still on flight. I am sure he is going to take direct flight from Islamabad to here. This means that at most I have a few hours to make my way out of here.

Because if Navi, finds about Hadi—

I didn't dare finish the thought.


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