14. The Common ground

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"What the hell are you doing?!"

My gaze fell to my hand in his tight grip, before wandering towards the other guy whom he had just now addressed so cordially.

"What do you think I am doing?" The guy returned dryly.

'Wow. There exist someone who shares my sentiments about this person?'

"Watch that mouth of yours Muiz—or I won't mind breaking it the second time—!" He seethed with so much loathe that I was compelled to drop all thoughts of pulling my hand away. The Muiz guy's expression faltered a bit, but before he could say something in return, someone had interrupted the climax scene.

"Muiz?" A girl who seemed to be of the same age as me, but extremely meek and docile, called out while coming to stand by the Muiz guy.

'Is this the girl, whom they are fighting over? She does suit the naive female lead character.'

"Hana—" Muiz dude exclaimed softly, turning to face her. I sneaked a glance at the jerk, to find him shooting death glares at her.

'Nice. This is turning out to be a soap opera.'

She gave the Muiz guy a nervous look at which he grabbed her hand and turned to leave, but didn't forget to give him a last resentful glance. Monkey was in turn giving death glares to the Muiz guy, before screaming at his back.

"You dare appear in front me next time—I'll kill you!" He spouted profanities at which Muiz shot him a finger.

'Wow. The educated elites.'

My commendations were cut short when he roughly tugged at my hand and started dragging me away.

'The hell?!'

"LET.GO.OF.ME!" I barked at the jerk, who continued to pull me alongside himself, not giving a crap about the people passing by who were shooting us displeased glances.

"You didn't hear me?!—LET GO OF ME!!" I screamed again in vain attempts to wrench my hand free of his hold. He didn't let go but came to an abrupt stop.

"If you don't shut up this instant Aasiya—I will—!" He seethed through clenched teeth after turning to face me. His eyes widening with murderous intent, whilst I gaped at him in disbelief.

"You will what—Hit me—? Like you were about to hit that guy—?!" I cried out through gritted teeth and quivering lips. My eyes twitching in rage.

"I seriously can't deal with your nonsense right now, Aasiya—so SHUT.UP!"

"No—! YOU SHUT UP! You shut the hell up and listen to me! YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! What I do, has got NOTHING to do with you! Its mine and MINE business alone. So YOU get the hell away from ME—and MY LIFE!" I bellowed, without giving any mind to the place and time.

"Is that right?!" He snickered with half a grin before it had changed into a scowl. Jerking me to his face by pulling at my elbow, he peered down at me enraged. In return, I could only gape at him in sheer disgust.

"Miss Aasiya Bashir—You seriously think I give a damn about what you want?! You are a damn brat! A brat who thinks she can go around doing whatever the hell she wants! But guess what—? News Break! You are living under MY roof! And if you don't soon put a stop to these shitty acts of yours, then I won't mind having you shipped back by the next flight—" He would have continued if I hadn't brought my balled fist to collide with his despicable face. He stumbled backwards from the impact but only a step.

"GO DIE YOU BLOODY JERK!" I yelled spitefully looking at him with loath while he checked for his bleeding nose.


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