15. The Confession

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"Navi you are late. Again!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth at which he just gave me his usual annoying toothy grin. 

"No—I am not. As usual you're the one who's early." He retorted cheekily; spinning the keys through his fingers. I could only scoff at him with disdain. 

"Yeah right! Now get in quickly will you? I swear Navi if I get late—"

"Have I ever got you in trouble before?" He cut me off in the middle of getting into his convertible. I glared at him through narrowed slits; while putting on my seatbelt.

"ALWAYS!" I cried out exasperated but he just shook his head with a chuckle.

"Prepared? Nervous?" He asked with one hand on the steering wheel while whirring through the traffic.

"Yes. No." I retorted without looking up.

"Good. I am sure you'll ace it like always." He murmured softly and went back to driving. 

Like always—huh? Has it really been that long already? The past 2 years weren't easy and as much as I hated to admit it, Navi was always there for me. He may not have been ideal—but no matter what my feelings or lack of it were for him—I knew that I did owe him for more than a few things.

Unintentionally, my gaze wandered towards him. He seemed to notice that and turned to me with arched brows. 

"Hurry up—!" I glared through a frown and  returned to my revision but not before catching the smile tugging across the corner of his mouth.

"Since it's finally your last exam of A levels—so I'll be extra generous and take you out as a treat." He added moments later.

"Don't wanna. Just wanna sleep."  I returned plainly.

"God Princess! How can someone be so dull—! We are going and that's final!" He announced while bringing the car to a halt. Without bothering to reply, I began to get out of the car.

"Princess!" He shouted, poking his head through the window. I groaned in embarrassment before turning to face him; glaring at him through gritted teeth, whilst he shot me a smug look.

"Best of luck!" He yelled but I turned my back to him with an exhausted sigh before quickly walking through the gate. I knew he wouldn't leave until I was safe inside. Idiot.


I walked into the house and immediately a feeling of discomfort gripped me when I heard Auntie's voice mixed with another lady's coming from the lounge.

'No other choice but to get done with it quickly—' Grimacing, I clutched the handles of my backpack and picked up my steps.

"Assalamualaikum." I greeted with a smile and went in to let her hug me.

"Oh, you are Aasiya? Did Hina tell you how good friends we were?" She chattered non stop and even after trying, I couldn't match her enthusiasm.

"She might've Auntie, I can't recall right now, sorry." I replied in a small voice, combined with a fake smile. 

"Why aren't you one adorable dove—! It's completely alright—Samra, I think I'll have to talk to Hina for my Tayyab—he is studying—" The weird lady exclaimed excited, while I stood there creeped out of my wits.

"—I'll have to stop you right there, Safiya—Aasiya is already tied to our Naveed. He already dotes on her so much—! But Aasiya is so pretty and adorable, even I can't help it—" Auntie added gaily and I gaped at her shocked and disgusted. The two ladies found something hilarious about this whole scenario, which I didn't. After giving them one final awkward nod, I took my leave.

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