Chapter 114

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Your POV:

You knew it was going to be a short mission. Just not this short.

And because of your expectations you let your guard down which always leads to the wrong idea and many, many regrets. Of course you said goodbye. Of course you meant every word of it. But you weren't so worried. So you just smiled and kissed him and told him you loved him and that you'd see him soon. After watching how the kids had been hugging him for dear life and crying just the night before it seemed like nothing.

You swear it always happens this way. Just as something good starts to happen, the bad stuff has to come and knock that happy feeling right away again.

Peggy has rung you yesterday morning just after he left and apologised profusely. Of course you forgave her and explained that you just got upset in the heat of the moment but now you understand that it's not her fault, she just has to do what she has to do. You met up for coffee that morning and by the end of it things were back to perfectly normal.

This morning you were feeling good. Kids were all off at school and daycare, twins down for a nap. You had the morning to get all the things you've been meaning to do around the house done leaving you feeling extremely satisfied with yourself. The kids came home that afternoon and were all well behaved. They did their homework, entertained themselves, ate all their dinners and went to bed without complaint.

But then literally just as you were tucking the twins in there is in urgent knock on your door. It goes on and on and on. Clearly the person is frantic. It's eight thirty at night. It's pretty much dark out. A knock on the door at that time of day is strange regardless of who it is. You rush to answer it though despite this, not wanting the kids to be disturbed. But then you open the door to find steve and Peggy which believe it or not is even weirder. Then showing up without notice tends to mean bad things...

You've hardly opened the door before they come bursting in.

"Oh (Y/N) I'm so sorry!" Peggy sobs as she basically lunges at you, tears streaming down her face and clutching terrified at her wee bump.

"Wha- Peg? Are you okay?" You gasp taken aback.

Your blood runs cold as Steve strides in right past you, grasping a crumpled piece of paper, his brow furrowed sternly.

"Steve?" You ask in dread as you turn to him. "What's going on?"

"It's my fault." Peggy cries as she pulls away from you and wipes her nose, trying to compose herself. "You were right. I shouldn't have made him go!"

"What?! What's wrong? Someone please tell me!" You burst out frantically. "Steve?"

He looks up at you, skin pale, lips forming a thin, serious line. His hand shakes as he extends it out to you, still holding that piece of paper.

You frown at him wearily as you take it and read:

You took our asset away from us, so we're taking away any chance of you getting to keep him for yourselves now too.

All at once you feel like you're going to pass out. The blood splatter on it doesn't exactly help with the sudden nausea you feel either.

"Wh-what does this mean?" You ask weakly.

"I don't know." Steve mumbles, shaking his head stiffly and biting his lip, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh god." Peggy sobs. "How did we not see something like this coming?"

"I don't know," Steve says little more harshly and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Just then there are another three solid knocks on the door causing all of your heads to snap straight up towards it.

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