Chapter Eight

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A few years passed, and me and the king of pop were now officially a couple.

He and I loved and supported each other every single day.

One day, I noticed that Michael's dark skin was changing on different areas of his skin.

Fans were beginning to notice that.

As I was helping the assistants clean up backstage in his dressing room, his manager walked up to me.

"Oh I am terribly sorry. Didn't mean to bother you, miss".

Michael Jackson's manager was a kind soul.

"No, it's alright, I was just helping out".

The manager went on to tell me that he and the others needs to speak with Michael after the concert.

I nodded my heed formerly and then they left me alone.

It wasn't long before I could the roar of the crowd as they screamed and cheered.

"Thank you so much, I love you all"!

Michael then waved at his adoring fans before making his way to the dressing room.

"Hi there, my dear"!

He reached out his arms and pulled me into a long, loving hug.

I giggled and kissed his cheek.

Chuckling softly at his girlfriend, he did the same to both of my cheeks.

We both let go and went to go see what the manager wanted to tell us.

When we both got there, I was holding Michael's hand and he sheepishly grinned as we both took a seat in front of the big desk.

"I'm pretty sure the both of you are exhausted, so we'll make this as quick as possible".

Micheal let go of my hand and positioned himself into a more professional appearance.

"We have all enjoyed your amazing and outstanding life with us, but we all couldn't help but notice something about the change in your skin tone, Michael".

I looked over at my boyfriend, who looked just as surprised and confused as I did.

"Wow...I'm not really sure what you're talking about".

Michael bit his lip as he spoke.

I then noticed light pale colored spots on his arms and left hand.

"Look right there..."

I carefully pulled his buttoned shirt sleeve up a little bit past his elbow.

"Oh...oh my god"!

The manager looked worried for poor Michael.

"Now now, there is no need to panic. You and your girl can just make an appointment to see your family doctor and hopefully, we'll all have a diagnosis".

So, it was all settled.

The manager set up an appointment for Michael to visit the doctor.

We arrived at the hospital on Saturday after lunchtime.

While waiting in the waiting room, a few kids who were sick recognized Michael.

The mothers gently pulled their children away from us.

It's Okay, I Got You (A Micheal Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now