Chapter 1

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„I don't wanna go mom." Clarke groaned and burried her head in a pillow on her bed while Abby was daydreaming about the first day of school.
„It's your very first day of school Clarke. You're gonna make lots of friends." Abby sat on the edge of the bed and stroked back of Clarke's head.
„And what if I won't? What if they won't like me? Or make fun of me." She slowly lifted her head up from the pillow. Abby gave her small daughter kind smile and chuckled.
„Oh stop it dummy. Of course they won't make fun of you. And Im sure that you're gonna make friends in a blink of an eye." Clarke's eyes widened and showed spark of happiness and hope in them.
„Now let's go and get you ready." Abby stood up from the bed, grabbed Clarke's brand new school bag and extened her hand for her daughter to hold.
Clarke hesitantly took it and both of them left downstairs to leave to school. They already had breakfast before Clarke ran upstairs and pout about not wanting to go to school.

„And we're here." Abby exclaimed with so much enthusiasm when they arrived to school. Clarke mummbled something while she was looking out of the window nervously at all those kids running around and talking to each other with bright smiles.
„It's gonna be alright honey." Her mom smiled at her and Clarke nodded. They opened the car door and got out. Clarke immediately held her mom's hand as they were walking towards a huge building.
„Hey!" Someone shouted at them. They turned around to see who it is. Turned out it was little brown haired girl a bit taller than Clarke walking towards them with smile.
„Im Lexa." She extened her hand politely for Clarke to shake it but she didn't.
„Im Clarke." She said shyly.
„Do you wanna go to class together?" The taller girl asked.
„Go on." Clarke looked at her mom as she just smiled.
Smile appeared on Clarke's face as she gave Lexa nod.

heyy so this is just a short chapter and a good part to start this au. I will try to write as much as i can since i got a lot of time now bc of quarantine. I hope this story will give you some sort of message bc thats what i will try to give you and write in this au so yeah enjoyp

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