Chapter 11: Consequences

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The crowd stopped cheering for me after my attack on Midnight, which was probably a good thing considering it seemed to be the noise that caused me to attack her.

I stared down at Bakugo, whose expression had changed from surprise to eagerness.

"Finally, you showed the real you! Now, prepare to die!" He shouted.

I ran towards him on all fours and leapt at him, only to be blown back by his explosion. He was serious now, the explosion burnt away some of my arm.

My arm started to heal over slowly as I charged again. I didn't have much cognitive function in that form, so I wasn't able to make up strategies or to reason for myself.

I was just a lean, green fighting machine. He easily dodged me and blasted my back, then came in to punch me. That was his second mistake.

I didn't even flinch at his punch, and I turned around to face him. Before he could get away, I punched him in the chest. He was sent flying backwards, so far so that he was off the platform.

All Might had finally caught up, pushing himself to get to the stage. He was recovering from using his strong form earlier, so was weaker than usual. He tackled me to the floor, wrapping his arms around me.

"Young Alex! Relax, calm down, snap out of it! Please, I don't want to do this by force! Wake up!"

I hissed at him and grunted, fighting against him. I eventually started pushing myself to my feet, with him wrapping his arms around me from the back.

I managed to pry his arms off me as I snarled at him angrily, and he suddenly let go so that he could go on the offensive and go for a punch.

I decided to also go with a punch, and we both pulled back and shot our arms forward at the same time. Our fists connected as he shouted "Detroit Smash!"

My arm was blown off entirely and I staggered back in pain as I fearfully stared at my slowly regenerating stump.

"I'm sorry, Young Alex, I hope it grows back quickly."

I was infuriated, and was about to charge at him again before Bakugo let off an explosion behind me again. I fell forwards and looked at him, he was standing hunched over as he held his arm. My one punch had injured him pretty bad.

Midnight got up, with some scrapes and bruises on her body. She let out her mist, and after it reached me, I slowly started stumbling around before collapsing. The cheering from the crowd came back as I morphed back into a human, albeit unconscious.

Later, I woke up in Recovery Girl's office. Again. I gasped and shot upright in my bed, hooked up to intravenous again.

"No... Please no... Did I actually..."

Recovery Girl was there, looking at some paperwork on her desk and talking to Mr Aizawa. They both looked over at me.

"I'm afraid so." She said.

"Is everyone alright?"

"No thanks to you." Mr Aizawa said.

His tone was icier than usual, chilling me to my bones. I was feeling only negative emotions, fear, self-hatred, embarrassment.

I asked them what happened, and they recounted the events I just wrote about.

"Recovery Girl and I were talking, and we believe some form of punishment is in order."

I lowered my head a little in shame and nodded, "I think that's fair. What's my punishment?"

What he said next surprised me, "We decided that you've already received it."

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