chapter 44

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Okay guys! Super here! I wanted to say that things are going to take a turn, and the fight between midoriya and todoroki will not go as you would have planned it. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Izuku looks around the stadium, in shock and hit of what just happened.

He learned about the true power of One For All, and found out that he had won a match by breaking free of mind control!

The crowds cheering boosted his confidence a little too. He couldn't help but feel happier than ever.

Soon, he noticed that the purple haired Shinso was sitting on the ground, head looking down as his hair covered his eyes.

Izuku walked over to the teen, and heard him saying bad things to himself.

"I wasn't born with all. It took me alot to get here. You saw, my quirk can't be used properly. That because this quirk... I-i.- nothing." He said pausing, and Shinso looked up to him with a amused face.

" Listen. I can tell you haven't grown up with the best life, but now, i just want to say, you have someone as your outlet." Izuku says, smiling brightly at him.

" Huh? What do you mean?" He asked, never hearing these words ever.

"That means, that I think your quirk is awesome Shinso. It could be a great asset when you become a hero. And, to counter the time you made war with out class, I want to be your friend." He stated

Shinso could only stare at him wide eyed, as his eyes began to dying and tears almost formed around the edges.

A true friend..

All his life, Shinso had been looked at as a monster. He had a quirk where he thought everyone would despise him, and he kept it to himself.

But to hen, it got discovered somehow, and everyone started treating him like a monster.

He was the main talk of the class, and how they would bet up money to see when he finally becomes a villain.

But, he found some 'friends' who only wanted to be his friends for his quirk, and what he could do with it.

"Man Shinso, you could get so many girls with a single command!"

" Don't use it on me, okay? We're your friends."

" Yeah. Friends don't use you for their own needs."

Yet, those friends turned against their own words, which Shinso at the time, believed.

And that brought him here.

"So, what do you say, Shinso?"

Izuku brought out a good hand, ready to be shaken.

Shinso just stared at it for a moment, before turning hid head to the right and sighed a bit.

He turned back, with a small smile, and shook his hand.
"Izuku midoriya." Deku stated, as he helped Shinso up.

"Hitoshi Shinso." He replied.

"T-thank you, midoriya." Shinso said, unsure of how these words go.

The one for all user just smiled, and pulled Shinso into a good hug.

The crowd bustled into the loudest cheers that day, and everyone was cheering on for the two new friends.

As midoriya walked back from the nurse's office, where he got hit on the head for being so reckless, and told him to talk to all-might, to which he said he'll do later.

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