Chapter 3- Promises Broken.

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Luke's POV:

I felt terrible pain on my left hand and chest. My eyes feel heavy, very heavy. I open my eyes to see that I am no more in my car.And even Mia is not next to me. I feel scared and worried....where is she? I remember having my chest crashed with that drawer kind of thing in front of the passenger seat an then hitting my head back on the headrest.look around to ask someone where Mia is, but no one is there. I hope she is okay.I am lying on a bed in a hospital room coloured peach.I have a plaster on my left hand and my right arm has some needles in it. I take them out carefully and head out of the room. My body feels heavy on the ground. I open the room's door and see a doctor and a nurse talking to each other. As I open the door, they stare at me.

" Mia anywhere here...Dr.Clarisse?" I say, reading the doctor's name tag.

"Oh. about you take rest for some time? You need to eat food too. Ummm...Kiara?Please get him food to eat." She says, first to me and then to the nurse-Kiara. I think I have seen this muse somewhere....

"No I'm fine thank you. Can you please take me to Mia Jones?"

"You need rest son...just please go to your room, I will come and explain it to you."

Something was wrong, I could bet. I just want Mia to be okay...Please...she is my life.

"Fine." I say.

I head to my room and sit on the bed, praying Mia was okay. About 5 minutes later Clarisse walks in with a food tray in her hand. She puts the tray on the table next to me and sits on a chair next to me.

"Luke....what I am going to say is listen to each word I say clearly." She says in a serious tone.

"Luke...Mia went into coma...she got operated about an hour ago and after the operation she seems to only remember her childhood till she was about 11/12 years old and a boy named Jordan. She does not remember you....."

Nothing went into my brain after those sentences. I felt myself tearing up. Clarisse's mouth kept moving but I couldn't hear a single word. My eyes started dropping and suddenly everything went black.

Clara's POV (Mia's Mom):

Clarisse walks out of Luke's room. I hope he is okay. He must be heartbroken. He loved my daughter so much, sometimes I thought he loved her even more than I did. They both were perfect. I started tearing up, poor Luke.

"Mrs. Jones?Mrs. Williams? Luke fainted. But there is no need to worry about that...he just couldn't handle the fact I guess."

No need to worry? I wish!Luke was like my son...Probably if I had a son, Luke would be closer to me than that son also. He treated me like I was his mother too. He could make me happy every time, even if i was in the most shitty mood possible. His funny, sweet, caring self was something Iloved about him. He made Mia feel as if she was a princess,Mia was one of the luckiest people. At first, when they started dating, I was very angry, they didn't tell me that they started dating! She thought I wouldn't allow it. Well, I would not have...I came to know that they started dating about a month later. I got so pissed off...but Luke came and talked to me about it.


I am sitting in my room alone pissed off. I hear a knock on the door.

"Mrs.Jones, can I please come in?" I hear from the other side of the door...its Mia's 'boyfriend' Duke or something.

"Come in" I decided to give him a chance to explain.

Duke comes in with a genuine smile on his face. He seats himself on the bed next to me keeping distance.

"Mrs.Jones...I need you to know that I will not hurt your girl what so ever."

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