sleep paralysis whO

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as you can probably tell from the title . yep ,, today im going to be complaining about sleep paralysis . it's the first time this has ever happened to me ,, but it didn't really happen ?? i dunno .

well ,, i've always been a fan of horror stories , ghosts , demons , myths and so on . i used to be hella famous in summer camps for storytelling .

im a veteran :")))

so i've known about sleep paralysis for quite a while . and i've tried my best to avoid that because iM a hUge scareDY caT .

my nightmares are really rare too , but when i have one they always manage to traumatize me for years . and they're really detailed too i can make a movie series :")))

anywAY ,, this happened like two days ago ? but it was so scary i've developed something sort of somniphobia and that isn't going to do me any good for finals week .

so basically i had a very small dream ? it wasn't even long enough to be a dream ,, it was just this image of a weird painting with colours like dark , mossy green , some brown , black and blood red . it was super dull and all these colours were just lazily flicked onto the painting of this creepy female baby ?? it looks like those life - like baby dolls with a like a small swirl of brown hair and bright blue eyes . so then

GosH im trembling while writing this .


so then it zoomed in into the person's eyes and it started laughing

honestly im so surprised i didn't have a panic attack and die on the spot . but i woke up with a loud whimper and my vision was super blurry , but my door was slightly ajar and i always keep my bathroom lights on to avoid my clumsy ass from getting any injuries . i could barely make out a figure standing at the edge of my bed ,, it was the same woman / baby from the painting and iT waS cOMinG foR mE .

not to mention there was this horrifying amount of pressure on my chest and i could barely breathe .

also she had a baby face , but she was tall as hell .

she started coming closer and i knew that it was some sort of sleep paralysis and i was nOt ready to get choked by some ugly , puke - coloured painting bitch .

then i started yelling in my head -

" holY fuck ,, move move moVe . yOure nOt gOiNg to witness sleep paralySIs yOu duMbAss . itS a dreAM ,, M o v E "

so with the help of my lucid dreaming experience ( im a veteran :")) ) i managed to move my toes slightly and it stopped . i was shaking , sweating and panting and stayed up for the rest of the night . i made sure to wake myself up yesterday night and occupy myself with video games to avoid experiencing that again .

honestly i horrified and i've got no idea what to do . i did google some stuff related to sleep paralysis ,, but apparently there's a witch after me and im not going to travel to another dimension to drink lion piss :"))

i don't think i'll be able to sleep normally after this experience since im absolutely petrified that the next time something like this happens i won't be able to wake myself up and i'll die of anxiety .

asthma is pretty popular in my family and i happen to have very little allergic reactions that trigger some sort of attack tho . so im quite fortunate compared to others that have reactions to anime fur or pollen .

however ,, i do have panic attacks quite often when overly emotional ( mostly when crying ) and i try to stray myself away from fandoms because i grow way too attached to fictional characters .

okay that was a lie im overly obsessed with too many fandoms already .

i did have panic attacks watching endgame , playing twd season 4 and reading kimetsu no yaiba manga —


this is probably the longest chapter in this entire book :0

i'll give myself a pat on the back .

stay safe ,, lovelies <3

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