scene 94- improvements

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"So, what is your story?"
"Um, let's see if I can summarize it. Hmm... okay.
Sheikah machines called Divine Beasts. Four of them. Four champions to control them, one for each beast, and one of each race. Zora, Mipha. She's... the best. She liked me. Rito, Revali. Asshole. Goron, Daruk. Bro. Gerudo, Urbosa. Mother figure for Zelda.
Calamity Ganon. Uh... hard to describe. F**king asshole. Champions try to kill it with the Divine Beasts. Zelda and I go try and defeat it. Dies t work. Champions die. I die. We fail. I sleep for 100 years. I wake up and help Zelda defeat the Calamity."
"Wait, you died?"
"Yup. I'll go into more detail some other time."
"Ah. Okay."


Wild was hitting a tree with the tree branch that he had found earlier. He would have been using a sword, but he didn't have one.

The tree branch broke, and he groaned in annoyance. He knew this would happen, so he had collected several branches. They were in a pile near the tree. He walked over and picked one up, then went back to the tree.

Sky seemed... well, a little disinterested in the story. Maybe it was just the way he told it. There was almost no descriptions. Just a bunch of words jumbled together. So it made sense that Sky hadn't quite understood all of it. He couldn't be mad. It was just him.

Not that he ws upset with himself. He decided that he'd try to stop beating himself up over every little thing. To make Wind happy. He didn't care that much about himself. Well, he did, but not enough to do things just for himself. He had to have someone else to do it for. Otherwise, there was no good reason.

Was he really getting better? He thought it would be... a little more... immediate. Like one day, he'd just wake up and not be sad anymore. Why did he think that? That would be stupid. It took longer than that. It took more than that.

How long would it be, then? If it wasn't immediate, then how would he be able to tell? Today was just a good day. It wasn't really an indicator of him getting better. Right?

Maybe Twilight would be able to tell. He knew him well enough.

Speak of Demise. Twilight was walking over to him.
"Hey, Wild. What are you doing?"
"Training. Kind of. Sticks aren't good weapons."
"That makes sense."
Wild tossed a now broken stick onto the ground.
"I have a question. Do you think..." He paused, thinking about how to ask it. Maybe he shouldn't ask. It was a stupid question. "Actually, nevermind. It doesn't matter."
"Oh. Um, okay. If you're sure."

Twilight looked at the pile of sticks, then at the pile of broken ones.
"You've been doing this for a while."
Wild picked up another stick.
"Not really. They just break fast. That's why I have so many in the pile. Otherwise I'd only be here for a few minutes."

He hit the tree rather hard, and it shook. He hit it again, and there was a creaking sound. A third hit, and a full on cracking sound. A fourth hit, and the branch broke, and the tree fell over, right at Twilight. Wild quickly pulled him out of the way, making sure that he didn't get under the tree as well.

"Shit, I'm sorry about that."
"It's... fine. That... was impressive. I didn't know you could knock a tree down with a stick."
"What do you mean? I can knock a tree down with just about anything. It's not that cool."
"You can? With anything? Wow. You're strong."
Wild rubbed the back of his neck. "It's really nothing. You could probably knock a tree down with a piece of rock salt if you hit it enough times."
"Fair enough. Anyway, judging by the pictures on your Sheikah slate, you messed around a lot."
"Heh. Yeah, I guess."

Wild then used Twilight's sword to chop the tree up for firewood. Then, they went over to the table and sat down, seeing as there was no more tree for Wild to hit.

Sky was at the table, talking to Time. When they got to the table, Sky greeted them, and Time waved.
"Hello. I saw that you got some firewood, Wild. That's a good idea."
"Uh, yeah. I was just hitting a tree with a stick and it happened to fall."
"You cut a tree down with a stick?"
Wild nodded.

"You cut a tree down with a stick."
"I just said, yes."
"Huh. That's... impressive."
"I guess so."

Sky thought for a moment before slowly saying, carefully choosing his words, "I bet you can do much more interesting things than that, though."
"I... well... I mean, I have killed three lynels. I... don't know what the hell I was thinking. All three times were extremely stupid. And I did it before I got the last memory, so I definitely did not have a death wish." Wild smiled, then continued, "I've done a lot of other stupid things, like making fruit float. Actually, I have a picture of that..."

Twilight smiled as Wild showed Sky the picture on his Sheikah slate. Sky was smart. He knew how to cheer someone up. If only he was as good as him. Then Wild might not have died.

Maybe Wild really was getting better. After all, he was acting so happy.

There was a big difference between Wild's fake happy and his real happy.
If only someone had known that before all of this happened.

But that was in the past. Now, they could focus on improving Wild's... well, everything. So much had been messed up with him, mostly because he just didn't care about himself. But that would change. Twilight knew it.

It would work.

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