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~ Chapter Twenty Five ~

I sat on a chair with my head laying on the table. I was bummed that I couldn't get anything out of those gossiping women. I played the role of a girl obsessed with jewelry. Specifically rings. I asked where I can get beautiful rings. Or if anyone had a rare item resembling a ring that would be willing to show me. I told them I had a secret obsession with rings and that I missed having one on my hand.

They all said that I can only get one in the fairy Kingdom. That's where trading happens. It's also where the big main lands are. But I'm not allowed to go there. Not until I've been mated and ready to be turned into a dragon.

I'm not trusted to go now since I can potentially run away. Or so a woman had rudely claimed.

I guess the dragons really were casted away to a land that is unreachable to other creatures. Which is good because who would want to be near these rude monsters anyway. They all belittle me since I can't do much.

They simply just don't know where my strengths lay.

However, as for the ring predicament, I doubt the ring would be in the fairy kingdom. Like what would they be doing with that ring? It was the dragons who defeated that evil water man, so they must have it. It's like a trophy. And with eveyy victory, an item is taken in order to prove their success.

"Hey Kaida. What's wrong?" Asked Ruby as she sat beside me and patted my head once.

I looked towards her and began to think. Would she help me if I was honest with her? Doesn't hurt to try right?

"Ruby.. Can we speak privately?"

Upon seeing my serious expression she hesitantly nodded. We both got up and began to walk towards my room. Our walk took a bit longer because Ruby kept getting stopped by people who wanted to say hi. I of course got ignored.

It wasn't a pretty feeling. I never experienced such distaste from other people. High-school was decent for me, I wasn't popular but I was pleasant with everyone whom I spoke to. So I was never ignored. I'd even get kind smiles from the students I didn't even know walking by the hallways.

Here, I feel like such an outcast. And I hate it. That's why I must take a risk and ask Ruby for help. I really want to go home and return to everything I know.

And if I really end up going home, the first thing I would do, after hugging my family, is take a proper bath with bubbles and dress in regular clothes. I miss wearing a simple t-shirt and sweats.

Once inside my bedroom, I offered Ruby to sit on my bed. Which she kindly declined.

I blew out a breathe and said, "Ruby can you help me with something? It's very important... And it can possibly help me go back home."

Ruby lost her relaxed posture and stood stiff with her arms tightly crossed over her chest. "What are you talking about?"

I rubbed my temple with my right hand. This isn't easy. A confession to a boy would be easier.

"The day I came across the siren.. Before Zander and Landon had shown up.. I had a conversation with that thing."

Ruby gasped. "Kaida!"

"I know. I know. It was stupid of me. But she mentioned something about a dimensional hole that opens up in the sea. She'll help me if... If I only bring her what she wants."

"What does she want?"

Good. She's not blowing up in my face yet. She's asking questions. She may be able to help me then.

"She wants a ring. One that had belonged to their old master. It's made of water but it has been frozen in order to keep its shape."

Ruby's face paled. "Kaida. This is a trap. Such a ring doesn't exist! Oh God. You've spoken to the enemy. Made a deal with her."

I shook my head. "I didn't make a deal. There was no confirmation during that conversation."

Ruby shook her head. "But you're looking for it. Kaida, you've accepted her request whether she knows it or not. You want to leave this place desperately that you've entangled yourself with a monster."

"Monster? Everyone around me are monsters!"

I shouted the words impulsively. But I couldn't take them back. Ruby had taken a step back with such hurt shining through her eyes.

"But we're the monsters who have been taking care of you. We feed you. Clothe you. And given you shelter. I see none of that mattered when you thought about throwing us aside to go home."

"Ruby, I'm grateful for all that. But no one wants me here. I don't even want me here."

Ruby pushed me aside and headed for the door. But before she opened it, she turned around and looked at me with tears forming in her eyes.

"Well I wanted you here. You were a friend and I wanted you to live happily amongst us. But I now know not to trust mortals. You creatures only care about yourself."

The door slammed right after she stepped out. I slowly slid to the floor, feeling dejected. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. All I said was the truth. Everyone around me are monsters. They fight to the death for crying out loud!

I rubbed my head, hoping to get rid of this growing headache of mine. I hope Ruby doesn't mention our conversation to anyone. If she does I'll be in big trouble. Or worse, I'll be eaten by them.

If they like ogre, I'm definitely certain that they'll like Kiada meat.

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 11/29/19

Has Kaida secret been revealed? Ruby is very loyal to Libelle after all.

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