Chapter 17: Calm The Dragon To Fulfill Destiny

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Lydia POV

Things have been terrifying as to what happened to my Thane. He's been way more aggressive and has been challenging any foe that gets in his way. His training would go on for longer periods and would get more extreme as he goes on. He traveled across Skyrim by himself searching through crypts and other places for foes or some other form of power. He's learned many new Shouts by doing this. He would even breath streams of fire or frost from his mouth. Along his travels, he found some strange masks that came off these undead priests.

 Along his travels, he found some strange masks that came off these undead priests

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Hevnoraak (Brutality)

Hevnoraak (Brutality)

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Krosis (Sorrow) 

Otar (Otar the Mad)

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Otar (Otar the Mad)

I was confused on what these masks were or who wore them, but that didn't matter now. Paarthurnax and the Greybeards say that he's acting like this because of Dragonrend. The Shout didn't just fill him with hatred and anger, but it also unlocked the dragon side to him. He still had the soul of a dragon and it allowed him to have the same nature as an ordinary one. They say that dragons were made to dominate. I wonder if he could dominate me in bed-WAIT! No, I need to focus now.

We've been discussing on how we're going to get him back. He's more ferocious and easily angered. Not to mention, more powerful than before. The idea we are going with is having Me, Aela, the Companions, the Greybeards, and Paarthurnax all attack at once. We will use everything we got while the Greybeards and Paarthurnax try and subdue him with Shouts.

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