Wonderful rain

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It was a very stressful day for Peashooter his confession was a total mistake his relationship with Sunflower has changed. She doesn't want to see him, which is very upsetting for Peashooter. This all happen because of a peace treaty, now he was starting to want the past.
When plants and zombies had war was that all he wanted....right?
" Ugh this is just great!!" Peashooter went to his fridge to only find out there was no food.
"I will get fast food then..." Taking a few steps away from the fridge he wanders off to the door.
"Today might be better than yesterday." Peashooter told himself, leaving the house he began to walk.

A long walk.

"I'm so excited, I can make it across the sidewalk!!" Peashooter yelled with
enthusiasm if he was serious. Enough with the sarcastic thoughts Peashooter had he went on passing through the stores and such, and it had started to rain.
"Ahh the wonderful rain, how you doing?" Peashooters answer was called with a huge roar of thunder, and it started to rain harder. He didn't know that someone was behind him, making it's way closer it tapped Peashooter in the back.
"Huh?" Turning around but not quickly enough, he had been slammed to the floor. Trying to open his eyes he could only see three pointy hats.
"It was easier than we though!!"
"Well lets get moving, are boss is waiting!!"

Pvz Fanfic/*old* Badly Written**Where stories live. Discover now