Chapter 27 (Sasha)

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I can't believe those idiot agents fell for that little video clip I left. There were video cameras all over the apartment. Obviously, all left by yours truly.

They spent so much precious time scouring the house for anything that may have been left behind.

Well, I guess they aren't as dumb as I claim, while I know that they found the videotape, they found the cameras before I was able to see their reactions. Ugh! They must have been priceless!

"Alexandra! Concentrate! You put us in this position, you should be concentrating on figuring out how you can get us out of it!" My father yelled at me.

"Yes, papa. I'm working on it. I'm trying to find out just how much I affected the agent's mental state. I need to know if I psyched them out." I've been lying to my arent ever since I was little. They're the ones who taught me how to do it. Now, I know I have to take everything they say with a grain of salt, and vice versa. After all, any one of us could be lying, and the other parties might never know who.

"Very well darling, continue." He told me as he turned away.

I just went back to trying to see if I could restart the security cameras at the Stevensons apartment. Ugh! They are really good at keeping people out once they know what they need to keep out.

It's incredibly bothersome.

"Hello, Marianne. All is well on your end. Uh-huh. Yes. You'll be going to show then. Do you have back up? Of course. And the media?" My father was clearly on the phone with Marianne Stevenson. I still found it incredibly unfair that I flew all the way to New York, only to remain there no longer than a couple of hours, and then have to fly home. I went to the big apple to see a fashion show, something that actually interests me. What use is my parents' connection to the Stevensons if I can't even go see that measly show. It's ridiculous.

That's it. I need to clear my head a little bit before I get back to plotting this infiltration. Well, Mother and Father would call it only planning.

I have college plans, and I truly hope that they work out. I'm tired of this, I just want to be a normal person. I pull out my phone and start googling my university. I've been accepted and so far, I'm starting my first semester in August. I'm double majoring in fashion design and business, a compromise between my parents and me. When I finally leave this horrible life with all this murder, secrets and lies, I am never coming back. Never. And university is my only way to escape.

I don't know when I fell asleep, I just know that at one point my mother was shaking me awake.

"Alexandra! Wake up. It's time to clean up the mess you created"

They were absolutely never going to let me live that down.

"I'm up, mother. Hold your horses!"

"You insolent child! Don't you dare speak to me like that." Yep, university was the only way out of this madhouse.

When we exited the jet, there was a car waiting for us. It was one of the people that have been working with us. Well, more like for us.

As soon as we get home, I notice immediately that the whole place is wired. Heavily. They've been waiting for us. I better be careful not to make any noise or get caught on any camera, or else the rest of this plan also goes down the drain.

I turn to look at my parents, being the dutiful daughter and letting them know, but as soon as I turn around, it seems that my parents are already aware of the situation.

My mother nods to me and I proceed to my room. I need something less conspicuous.

When I get to my room, it's exactly as I remember it. Only, now the beds are made and the pair of underwear I always keep under the very edge of the carpet is no longer there. I leave it there because it tells me if someone came into my room. Whether it's a maid or a stalker, I always know.

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