Chapter 4

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After the dodgeball game, it was noon and everyone was going to lunch.

"Yay, we get to waste an hour of our day sitting and eating to no avail!" Hazel said sarcastically. Most of the group laughed.

Kendrick turned around and looked at Zeke. He looked bored and seemed lost in thought. Kendrick turned back around so he was looking forward and kept walking. He was in the back of the group except for Zeke, who was behind him. He looked at John, who was at the front leading the group, with Seraphina right next to him. Then he looked sideways at Isen, who was on his phone. Hazel was looking around pointing and asking Evie questions. Claire and Adrion were talking to each other about what we would be doing in the next few weeks. Kendrick tilted his head and looked at Atlas. He was walking in silence, looking at the ground. Kendrick scowled.

No one seemed the least bit concerned that we were being led around by a monster. Kendrick narrowed his eyes at John, who was smiling while talking to Seraphina. You may look nice now, but you will never change. You won't be able to fool me, TYRANT. As if summoned by his thoughts, they turned the corner, and a student that Kendrick didn't recognize bumped into Seraphina. They both stumbled back Seraphina rubbing her head. "HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU-" the boy started, but he stopped when he saw John, glaring at him.
     "I don't think I like your tone..." John growled at him. The boy hastily backed up before running into the wall, turning, and running away. John watched him run away before Seraphina put her hand on his shoulder. He seemed slightly startled by the sudden contact, but when he saw that it was Seraphina his shoulders relaxed and he looked at her almost sadly.
     "I'm fine, it's ok," she told him. "Okay..." he replied. At least he cares about SOMEONE. Despite thinking this there was still something whispering in the back of Kendrick's mind. He is dangerous. He can hurt someone. He can go from being friendly to deadly in a second.

After lunch, everyone was supposed to go outside and do something with their group. "This is how people get lost," John said gloomily.

"That might not necessarily be bad, besides every group has 5 Wellston students, someone would have to be stupid to get lost," Isen said, "In fact, there are a couple of people who I hope to get lost, but that probably won't happen,". He looked at Zeke.

"I would gladly leave you weak punks!" Zeke said enthusiastically, throwing his hands into the air. Then he walked away to another group.

"Welp, now that the party pooper is gone, we can do something fun!" Hazel said in a quiet voice so Zeke couldn't hear her.

"We could go to Woaba Boba and get to know each other!" Evie proposed. Everyone agreed and they went to Woaba Boba. The workers at Woaba Boba pushed together two tables so that the whole group could sit together, no booth tho. So everyone got a menu and when the waiter came, everyone told them what they wanted.

"Can I get the mango boba?" John asked, closing his menu.

"Same for me," Seraphina said.

"Okay," the waiter said writing on his pad. He turned to Isen.

"I would like the taro boba, please," Isen stated. "Sure!" the waiter replied, "And for you miss?".

"Can I have the vanilla boba?" Evie said. "Of course".

"Could I get the coconut boba?" Claire asked. The waiter nodded while writing.

"Um, I think I will get the honeydew boba, please," Adrion said, putting his menu on the growing stack.

"Can I get the leechee boba?" Hazel asked. "Okay." The waiter continued writing.

"I would like the peach mango, please," Atlas said. Then, the waiter turned to Kendrick. Kendrick closed his menu and set it down on the table.

"Can I get a coffee, please?"

Immediately, Kendrick heard a slap, a sigh, a bang, and quiet giggling. Kendrick looked at what had happened. John had face-palmed, Seraphina's head was facing the table, with her eyes closed, shaking her head slowly. Isen had face-planted into the table and was now slowly banging his head into the table continuously, and Evie was giggling at the three's reaction.

"Um, that will be all," Claire said, handing the waiter the menus and looking slightly concerned. The waiter took the menus, looked one more time at the Wellston students, then walked away.

"What?" Kendrick asked confused.

"You don't just come to this place and order coffee!" John explained, holding his hands out.

"Only one other person does that," Isen muttered, setting his chin on the table.

"Who?" Hazel asked.

"Arlo" John, Seraphina, and Isen say at the same time.

"From your tone, I take it you don't like him too much..." Kendrick said.

"Not particularly, but he's doing better," Seraphina said.

"Why don't you like him?" Claire asked.

"He got me suspended," Seraphina said.

"He had me look up John's records just because he didn't like the way he acted," Isen said.

"He pretended to be my friend just to trick me into using my ability again, we're starting to get along though," John said.

At the last one, everybody stopped. "Wait, what?!" Kendrick asked.

"We're starting to get along?" John asked, confused.

"Why weren't you using your ability?" Claire asked.

John looked at her strangely.

"Interesting question. Is it your business?" he snapped.

Claire flinched a bit, "Oh..." she said.

"Oh, what?" Hazel asked, "Am I missing something?"

"No, it's nothing," John said quickly. Then there was silence.

"...well," Seraphina looked uncomfortably between the two of them.

"Well, we came here to learn more about each other, and I think that it's Isen's turn now!" Evie said, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Oh, that's fine with me," Isen said, confused.

Kendrick saw Atlas, who was looking thoroughly disappointed. A story for another day, perhaps.

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