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Mina's POV I woke up and I realized papa Tae was in our bed I smiled he woke up and rubbed his eyes " good morning princess" " papa Tae" I whispered he hugged me  " let's get you all dressed princess"  I felt papa Kookie grab me he kissed my cheek " morning my flower " he said " papa Kookie " I said he put me on his knee and he bounced me around papa Tae picked me up and took me to the bathroom I changed into this

Mina's POV I woke up and I realized papa Tae was in our bed I smiled he woke up and rubbed his eyes " good morning princess" " papa Tae" I whispered he hugged me  " let's get you all dressed princess"  I felt papa Kookie grab me he kissed my cheek...

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" papa Kookie Can you brush my hair please" I asked " of course" he brushed out my hair and we walked to the lobby papa Min and papa Joon and papa Jin were there " where are papa chimmy and papa hope" I asked  " they wanted to take a quick shower" papa Min said   " okay"   Papa Kookie gave me my tether so I played with it while we waited for papa chimmy and papa hope ..  " we are going to Epcot right" papa chimmy said  " yep" papa Kookie said  " WHY The fuck are they here" papa Min hissed " Who papa who" I asked papa Min whispered something in papa kookies ear and papa picked me up and began to walk " papa what are you doing NO " I cried out papa Kookie looked mad and pissed off 
He took me in a different room " Papa what was that for " I hissed " I'm sorry my flower but I don't want Stray kids to see you I'm sorry " he hugged me  " flower I don't ever want someone else other then me and your papas to have you you are ours not theirs"
" I know that papa " I kissed his cheek  " I love you my flower"  " I love you my papa" I said suddenly papa chimmy walked in " there gone" he said as he picked me up  papa Kookie smirked " Now let's go my pumpkin" he said   Jimin's POV Jungkook was very clingy he took mina out of my arms   I know Jungkook was pissed of because of stray kids he really doesn't want them to see mina I know when TXT kidnapped her he was angry and pissed off and he hated it because he loves her too much  he was the first one to meet her Mina's POV we got to the van and I sat besides papa Kookie and papa Joon
" what rides do they have there" " they have many rides we should go on the space one " Papa Joon said
" and the sky Ah What is it called"papa Tae said
We got out of the car and papa chimmy hold me " papa what are you doing " I giggled then papa Kookie attacked me with sun screen " papa no its cold it's cold" papa Kookie chuckled he finished and he kissed my forehead " There you go flower " he said We walked in the park " Let's first get breakfast" papa Joon said we went to a cafe and I sat next to papa Kookie and papa chimmy I got a blueberry muffin and a chocolate milk papa Kookie was trying to take my milk " papa.. no this my milk " " haven't you heard of sharing is caring " he said " but I don't care" I hissed my papas laughed " Oh Jungkook she got you" papa Min said Jungkook pouted and put me in his lap and cuddled me " I'll get my own milk and I won't share it with you" he said " but you have to" I said " why you won't share your milk" " fine I'll share" I said papa Kookie smiled
" that's my good little girl" he said I smiled as he took a sip of my milk .. " Let's go on the spaceship ride" pap Min said " spaceship" I said papa Min chuckled papa Min took me out papa Kookie lap
We walked to the spaceship ride

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