Bobby Ryan (#6 of Ottawa Senators)

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For @MrsBobbyRyan6

I've rock climbed my whole life and it's a huge passion of mine. Hockey is my other passion, never played but always watched. I grew up in California as a Kings fan, but then I met Bobby Ryan after a Kings - Ducks game in 2006. We fell in love fast and got married right after he was drafted to the Ottawa Senators.

"I'm home!!!" I yelled when I walked inside. I didn't get a response so I assumed he was at practice still. I went upstairs, rinsed off the sweat from rock climbing at our indoor gym nearby. After rinsing off, I put on some sweatpants and one of Bobby's hockey club shirts. I, then, went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. After making my sandwich I turned the tv on and watched FRIENDS.

"Hey, babe I'm home," Bobby said closing the front door.

"In the living room," I replied.

He walked into the living room, sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "How was climbing babe?"

"It was good, can't wait for that trip next week though. I'm so excited to go outdoors again with Zach and Amanda. It'll be so much fun," I told him smiling.

"I know, but you're going to miss my games," he said with a pouty face.

"Awweee, Bobby I'm sorry, but you know I won't miss any others," I told him.

"I know, but you have to promise me you'll be careful," he said.

"I promise," I told him.

*The Next Day*
"Hey babe, what time do we have to leave?" I asked getting ready for the game tonight.

"About half an hour," he said. We had to leave by 1 to pick up Erik Karlsson and his wife Therese.

I put on my jeans and my Ryan jersey and finished my makeup, while putting small curls in my hair.

We went to the game and Therese and I sat together behind the glass cheering on our men - we got cold stares from puck sluts, and admiring ones from guys.

We didn't like any of the stares. We put on a show when we would score. We'd jump up and down screaming our heads off. When we scored the winning goal and the final buzzer went off, we went even crazier. We headed to the locker room and congratulated the boys and boy was the night great and full of celebration and passion.

*The Next Week - Getting Ready to Leave for Colorado*
"Hey baby, you almost ready?" I yelled to Bobby hoping we could leave for Zach's soon. We were all meeting at Zach's to drive to Colorado.

"Yeah putting the last bag in the car," he replied.

"Okay, thanks baby," I said grabbing my backpack full of goodies, including a first aid kit.

I rushed downstairs super excited to climb in Colorado, locked up and met Bobby in the car.

"You're going to be careful, right?" Bobby asked me.

"Yes I'll be as careful as I can be," I told him.

"Good if something happens to you, I'll kick Zach's ass," he said.

"I know, I'll be sure to tell him that," I laughed.

We got to Zach's house and Bobby unloaded the car and helped Zach load up his SUV, while Amanda and I mapped out our directions.

Bobby's POV
I was loading up Zach's SUV with him, "Hey you better take care of her, because if something happens to her, I'll kick your ass."

He turned to me, "We take all the proper precautions, but I'll watch out for her."

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