scene 97- three

344 10 28

Entry 10-

Zelda's acting weird. It might just be me. She's probably just tired.

I stabbed myself with an ancient arrow. She left me with the others, with none of my stuff.
I feel great, though. Compared to how I usually feel. Twilight said something about me humming while cooking. He said that I hadn't done that in ages. He seemed happy that I was doing it again.

Time and Wind have been acting kind of weird. I wonder if I did that to them. I hope not.

It's definitely me.
In that case, I'm sorry.

They're probably fine now that I'm gone.
Oh well. I won't think about that.

And no, Twilight, I'm not faking it.
It's real this time.



How many times had he done this?
Three times?
Four times?
It didn't matter.

By now, he knew most everyone's schedules by heart.
He was getting quite good at time management.
Three days wasn't much time.

He had played the same songs over and over again.
Two in particular were burned into his mind.

How many times would he have to see that moon?
See the terror on those poor people's faces?
Watch, helpless, as the very top of the tower was crushed by the rock?

That terrifying face, staring at him.
The mask.
Those huge eyes, watching him.
Staring at him.
He just wanted to kill it.
Burn it with fire.

If he had that mask now, he'd destroy it.
Break it apart into millions of little pieces.
Set it on fire.
Anything to get it out of his mind.

Would he succeed this time?
Maybe the next?
Would it ever work?
Was he stuck in this hell forever?

That song.
That eerie tune.
So beautiful, yet sad.
It was engraved in his thoughts.
Permanently stuck there.
Etched into the ground.
Sitting there with that other song.
Just as dreaded, if not more.
Yet it wasn't as memorable.
Just a bit less.
Hiding behind the first.
Waiting patiently to be brought to the front.
Just for a moment.


He sighed happily, listening to the music. Kass's songs were so nice.

He looked down at the Sheikah slate, satisfied with the journal entry. He wondered if Zelda had gotten that notebook yet, and if she had written in it.

He stood up and walked over to the desk.
"I'd like to get a horse out, please."
He told the stable owner which horse he wanted, and when it was brought out, he thanked him and rode away.

It hadn't just been a good day. Multiple good days in a row? Unlikely. He was legitimately happier.
Hopefully she'd see that. She didn't seem too happy herself.

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