Chapter 1

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(Theseus named the chat Theo's Boiisss)

Theseus: Hey Guys! I made this group chat so we could all talk!!

Theseus: Leta I made you admin by the way

*5 mins later* 

Theseus: Guys?

Theseus: Guys?!?!

Theseus: Guyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssss!!!!???!!!!?!!

Jacob: Oh no... Quick everyone leave before he spams us!!


Newt: How do we leave??

Newt: And what's spam?

Jacob: Jesus Christ Newt

Newt: Sorry!

Leta: It's fine guys. I'm admin so I can just remove Theseus if he gets too annoying


Leta: What the heck, don't ever call me that ever again

Leta: Or I will actually remove you

Theseus: I'M SORRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theseus: PLEASE DON'T REMOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!

Jacob: I think you guys seriously need marriage counselling or something

Tina: Yeah, like what the heck is even happening right now

Queenie: Yeah I'm very confused lol

Newt: lol?

Queenie: Oohh it's this cool new thing I learnt, it means Laugh Out Loud!!

Newt: Ohhhhhhhhhhh alrighty then

Jacob: Did you guys see the group chat name?

Leta: Yeah, Theo's boys?

Leta: Really Theseus????

Theseus: It's BOIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

Theseus: Jeez Leta

Theseus: Or should I say...wifey hehehe

(Leta removed Theseus from Theo's Boiisss)   

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