New Book Idea

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So I have an idea for a new book, and I want your guys' opinion on it. If you guys enjoy it I'll probably publish the first chapter soon, if you don't I'll probably scratch the idea. So please comment your thoughts.

The world is full of masks. Everyone was born with one to represent their social status. A noble would have a rather intricate and beautiful mask, while a commoner's mask would be simple. I was a commoner with the mask of a noble, which was rather odd.

I worked as a seamstress with my mother, but in my spare time I would write. I wrote about a world without masks where there wasn't something that defined our worth. My one wish has always been to see beneath my mask, but not just mine, I wished to see beneath everyone's mask. However, I knew my wish would never be granted for to break the mask you had to find your soulmate, and that had never happened.

One day my mother had signed me up to design an outfit for the prince. I had miraculously been chosen even though I believed myself to be less than qualified. To design this outfit, I would have to meet the prince, I wouldn't have to simply get his measurements and make the outfit, no I had to know him. His parents wanted him to wear something that captured his essence, so the eligible ladies at the ball would fall in love with him and not his status. However I didn't think that I could fall in love with him in the process, but to be with him I only wanted one thing.

I wanted him to break my mask.

I know there isn't any real dialogue, but I was just giving the basic plot idea. This story will be a little different from my other ones, but I'm really excited about it, so I hope you like it. Please remember to give me your feedback, love LunaMoon78

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