draco malfoy : vile

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Draco's hand slipped from (Y/N)'s to hold to door to the Slytherin Common Room open as they left. He quickly jogged in front of her and pulled open the door for her, extending an arm to gesture her through.

(Y/N) smiled at her boyfriend with a nod, "Thank you." She sung to him happily.

There was a matching smile on his face as well. "Of course." Draco told her, closing the door behind him and reaching for her hand once again.

This step of their relationship was still very new, so they were still in the so called "honeymoon phase". The one where everything was loving and both parties were trying just a little to hard to impress the other. However, Draco has never been anything but chivalrous to her in the time she has known him, just about three years now.

"How do you think the Potions test went?" He asked her, "I know you were worried about it."

He wasn't wrong, (Y/N) had forced Draco to stay up with her several nights in a row studying for the Potions exam. She wasn't dumb, but to say she was above average in her class would be a lie. On top of that Potions just wasn't something that came easily to her.

(Y/N) shrugged, "I'm sure I passed but not nearly as well I hoped." She told him, looking down at the floor of the hall.

"I'm sure you did-" Before Draco could finish his encouraging thought to (Y/N) he was cut off when someone walked into him.

"I am so-"

"Sorry? Well you should be." Draco cut off the poor first year that had been running to his next class. Draco looked the kid up and down before continuing with a sneer, "Watch where you're going you filthy mudblood." He hissed, rolling his eyes at the child before continuing down the hall, pulling (Y/N) with him.

She was stunned, her heart lodged in her throat as she watched her new boyfriend throw such a horrendous word around as if it was nothing. (Y/N) found that she was sick to her stomach, when she turned around to look back at the poor first year that Draco has yelled at she could see he was now crying while running off to where he had been going in the first place.

(Y/N) knew that Draco came from a family of high status, but she never would have guessed that word would have slipped through his lips.

"Draco." She said quietly, stopping dead in her tracks.

He felt her hand slip from his again, before he stopped and turn back around to look at her. "Are you alright?" Draco asked, looking her up and down to see if there was anything visibly wrong with her.

(Y/N) shook her head, feeling herself about to spew all kinds of words out at him. She hated that this was about to turn into a fight, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"What's wrong, did the mud-"

"Don't say it again." She growled, her teeth clenched together. It was hard enough to keep her cool know, if he said it again (Y/N) was sure to lose her cool. "Draco you can't just go around calling people that, don't you understand what that means?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry if I upset you (Y/N), I didn't mean to." Draco admitted, placing his hand over his chest now. "It's really just a force of habit, and that kid really ticked me off." He shrugged casually, not fully realizing the consequences of his actions. "Are we done with this, I'm really thirsty, can we go to Hogsmead now?" Draco asked, extending one hand to (Y/N) and pointed the other in the direction of the exit.

"No Draco, we aren't done with this." (Y/N) growled again. This time her arms were crossed over her chest, her rigid with anger. "Just because he ticked you off isn't a good enough reason, what happens when I tick you off?" She asked, barely catching Draco's guilty glance. "Will you call me something so vile?" (Y/N) asked, feeling some of her anger turn to sadness and insecurity.

She wasn't muggle born, but she was in fact half muggle. (Y/N) knew from the moment she met Draco that he was an elitist, this nature has been instilled in him by his father but that didn't make his actions anymore excusable. One of (Y/N)'s biggest fears was Draco turning his racist ideals against her.

Draco stood across from (Y/N) with a dumbfounded look across his face. The last thing he wanted was to upset (Y/N), she was one of the few people that he actually cared for. The look that sat across her face made him sick to his stomach, and the fact that he had been the cause of it made Draco even more upset.

"(Y/N)..." He started, still struggling to find the words he wanted to say.

She shook her head, now feeling her eyes prick with tears as she watched Draco hesitate, "Just forger it Dra, go to Hogsmead by yourself." (Y/N) looked him up and down again. "Go get that drink you wanted so damn badly." She hissed, turning on her heel and staring off back towards the Slytherin Dungeon, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Draco knew he was supposed to chase after her - apologize over and over, beg on his knees for her to forgive him, make it up to her anthems possible - but he couldn't move. He was frozen in his spot, watching her fade away into the Common Room. The past five minutes replayed in his head, their first fight had to be something so polarizing.

He knew she was right. Using that word was a habit he had picked up after years of listening to his father go on and on about keeping the magical bloodlines pure. Draco supposed he listened to his father so much that he barley knew what he himself believed.

What he did know was that he hated seeing (Y/N) upset. He also knew that using that word always made him feel sick to his stomach. He also knew he had to apologize to (Y/N).

(Y/N) had made it through the Slytherin Common Room with little trouble, the only people who spoke to her were already on their way to Hogsmead for the day. She slammed the door to her bedroom, thanking Godric that none of her roommates were around.

Just as (Y/N) slipped into her bed there was a knock on the door, she knew it had to be Draco but she really didn't want to speak with him. She let out a soft groan, "Go away." (Y/N) called out, her voice breaking through the tears.

Draco rested his head against her door, "(Y/N) please." He begged, his voice horse.

"Draco seriously, not now." She rolled over and pressed herself into her pillows. Tears continued to roll down her face, picturing a future fight where Draco was shouting god awful insults at her, hitting her at the deepest levels.

He sighed, "Look I'm sorry alright. I know I'm an arrogant asshole and I know what I said was wrong." Draco said, his head still pressed against the door. "I'm trying to work out my issues, my father he-" He paused, feeling his own pain rise in his chest, "My father is not a good man (Y/N) and I know I've picked up some of his habits but I swear I am trying to get better." Draco confessed, this was the first time he had ever admitted these faults out loud, after so long of keeping them bottled inside.

(Y/N) had risen from her bed while Draco spoke. Never in the three years they had known each other had she heard him sound so vulnerable, never had he spoke of his father like this. Her hand hovered over the door knob, silently debating letting him in.

When Draco didn't get a response he let out a defeated sigh. She then decided it was probably best if he went back to his room, no sense in standing in the middle of the girls corridor.

(Y/N) opened the door just as Draco turned around, her arms curled around herself. "Draco." She spoke softly, grabbing the platinum haired boys attention immediately.

He turned around to look at her, surprised that she was standing there. Relief washed over him, just as much as regret did when he saw her eyes. "I'm sorry," was all Draco could come up with as he moved closer (Y/N).

"Good." (Y/N) said, her arms still crossed over her chest.

He smirked at her, "I'm working on it, being better." Draco informed her, still not daring to reach out to her.

"Good." She repeated, a small smile rising on her lips.

Neither one of them could find anything else to say. So instead (Y/N) reached out, grabbing Draco's wrist and pulled him into her room.

Word Count: 1535

This one was rather cute...

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