Chapter 37

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He went out alone that night. No, he wasn't hunting, he was thinking.

He wanted their date to be special... He wanted his partner to understand that he really did care about them. That he wasn't going to throw them away like the others...

Taking a deep breath, he started to walk home. He needed some proper sleep and he didn't want to get sick... Even if Lucy said that wasn't really possible for him to get sick.

A dark feeling was on his back, making him tense and stop. He didn't like the feeling that was on him.

He looked around, but he couldn't see what was the cause behind the feeling. He knew it was a Beast... But he couldn't see it...

Frowning some, he picked up his pace. He had to hurry up, before it decided to attack...

The glowing magenta eyes sneered at the white wearing male's back, but they dared not move. They needed to use them... To use their love and care for the Lunar... They were still new, still able to be tricked... They could help him... They will help him, whether they like it or not~

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