Something Of Yours

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After she had been banished from tent duty, Buffy happily perched herself by the fire, letting the amber glow warm her skin as she held her s'more, waiting for the chocolate to melt the perfect amount.

It wasn't that she didn't know how to set up a tent, she just didn't want to, and acting helpless had cued Jeremy to take over in order to keep his own sanity intact.

"You got this Jer!" She cheered as she took a bite of her now perfectly melted s'more, a loud snort escaping her as he flipped her off.

Yet, he still continued setting up her tent for her.

The perfect blend of marshmallow and chocolate suddenly tasted sour as a familiar face took a seat beside her. Clearly, Elena had been waiting for Rebekah to go try and get ahold of Elijah before she tried approaching.

Clenching her jaw, Buffy sat silently, merely munching on the snack she had been craving all night, her eyes drilling into the embers of the fire, trying to will Elena to take a hint.

She didn't.

Elena let out a heavy sigh as Buffy continued to sit there without acknowledging her. This whole situation was so screwed up and she hated it. Jeremy and Buffy weren't talking to her and now everyone except Damon was not happy with her.

The fact that only Damon wasn't bothered by her actions just proved how screwed everything was.

But, Elena wasn't ready to admit fault yet.

She still firmly believed that killing Kol had been the right thing to do. The only thing to do.

However, there was one part of her argument with Buffy last night that kept spinning through her mind. A little voice in the back of her head that was getting progressively louder the closer they got to The Cure.

"You were right..." She whispered, taking note of the way Buffy tensed up for a quarter of a second before staring back into the fire "I don't want the Cure. I really thought I did for so long." She had wanted nothing more than to be normal, but last night had changed things for her.

At that moment, of being able to fight back against an Original, she liked it. She liked being strong and powerful and not...a damsel in distress.

Elena was clearly forgetting that Kol had been a second away from ripping her head off.

"I like having this power, Buffy." Elena admitted softly as she prayed for Buffy to actually look at her.

She didn't.

"I like not being helpless...yes the voices suck and the occasional nose bleeds but...this doesn't feel feels like a part of me. Like this is who I was supposed to be."

There was a long awkward two minutes of silence following Elena's little confession. While Elena actually growing and accepting that she couldn't just pretend that things hadn't changed when she died on the bridge, that she needed to accept being a Banshee and actually start trying, should have been a good just had Buffy's nails digging into her thigh.

Theorizing that Elena had liked the power when she faced Kol was one thing, but having her straight up admit it was something else entirely.

Elena's whole thing about killing Kol had been to wipe out an entire sire line at once, to complete the mark and not put Jeremy through killing vampires one by one.

That had been her whole argument!

Yet here she was stating that she didn't even want the damn thing that had been the driving force to break their family.

"Do you want a gold star? She whispered, her voice so hushed that Elena almost missed it.

Furrowing her brows, Elena just stared at Buffy with big eyes of confusion "What?"

Buffy just shook her head in disbelief "This confession is not a good thing Elena." It was 12 hours too late to be a good thing "You were so determined to get The Cure, you wiped out 30,000 people."

The number cued Elena looked down.

Tossing her snack into the fire, Buffy pushed up to her feet glaring down at Elena furiously "Don't you dare ignore me when I am spitting the facts." She snapped forcing Elena to finally meet her penetrating gaze "Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. Look in the mirror Elena and ask yourself if you recognize yourself. Cause I sure as hell don't."

Ignoring the hurt washing through Elena's eyes, Buffy clenched her jaw and grabbed her bag off the floor, fully intent on going to sleep so she didn't have to deal with this back and forth anymore.

Not once had Elena admitted that killing Kol had been a bad thing!


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