A Familiar Face

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It was a few days before I could walk again. The bruises had disappeared though the scars were still there and I knew they wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon. Luckily, none of them were visible to anyone else. My arms were clean of any scars, meaning that I could wear enough dresses as I wanted.

         No one had talked to me in the time that I was recovering, well not properly anyway. Thor and Odin were on the hunt for Bridget, trying to find her for me. Heimdall could not see her anymore which made it harder to work out where she would be. She could have been taken away from Asgard for all we knew. Frigga was left to take care of the kingdom, so she was too busy with that.

"Can I come in? I did knock." I heard Sif's voice.

         I shouted for her to come into the room, returning to my wardrobe as I tried to choose a dress for dinner. "How about we skip dinner and take a stroll to the tavern? The food there may not be as grand as the banquet here but it is still rather delightful."

"Will we be allowed?"

"All shall be fine. Do you still have your clothes from Midgard?"

"Um, yeah. Why?"

"I just thought that they would be more suitable seeing as you are still recovering."

"That's actually not a bad idea."

         To get through the town without being noticed, Sif showed me a different route, however this way seemed longer. She kept on assuring me that it would be worth it and that it was a safer way to get to the tavern. I had started to doubt her after a while.

         Sif suddenly came to a halt, looking around her. It was dark, so I had to analyse the scenery through sounds. There was the faint rustling of trees or bushes, and I could hear the waves of the sea crashing onto a cliff. We were no where near the tavern.

"I'm sorry my friend." Sif said to me before I was punched in the face by her.


Waking up, I felt my head throbbing. The room seemed to be spinning and I thought that was just me and I soon realised that it actually was. Slowly getting to my feet, I saw standing before me Sif and the Warriors Three. Heimdall was stood at his sword which had already activated the Bifrost.

"W-what's going on?" I stuttered.

"My lady, it has been ordered by the king that you are to be sent back to Midgard until it is safe to come back." Heimdall explained.

"We knew that Thor would not let you go, or he would go with you instead." Hogan stated, dropping his head low.

"I can't leave, not now. Bridget is here!"

"It is for your own safety." And that was the last sentence I heard before I was pulled backwards and out of Asgard.

         As I landed, I tumbled into the dirt, unable to stop. Once the spinning had stopped, I felt my stomach lurch. My head had started to throb again, not helping with the situation. Before I could stop myself, I vomited.

         After the horrible sensation of being sick left me and I had readjusted myself, I tried to recognise the surroundings. It was just one strip of road, surrounded by dirt and no life. I knew that I would have to find some water and/or food soon or at least some civilisation.

"Heimdall! Heimdall, please let me go back! I beg you!" I screamed, close to tears.

         As I walked down the road, I felt an anger rise in me along with worry. The anger was because of the others tricking and sending me here, my worry was for everyone else. Thor was going to go crazy when he found out that I was gone. No doubt he would try to come after me too. I just hoped that no one would get hurt during his rampage.

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