Chapter 4

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I woke up in my bed. I looked to the left. Everyone was gathered around the closet to my room. They were all collaborating.

"Hey!" I yelled, "What's going on?"

"Ummm... Well, you see..." Nya studdered.

"Liv's dead." Kathena said.

"Pretty straight forward if I do say so myself." Sammi said.
A body has been discovered. You have five hours to investigate! After that, we will have a class trial were the killer will be punished. "Punished?" River asked. You'll see. Now get to examining!

I investigated the closet, where Liv was killed. There was a... Knife? In her abdomen. Oh, yeah.I forgot. Because you guys can't see the obvious, I have made the Monokuma file, witch points out the obvious. It's all in your electro-ID oh, yeah. Here's your electro-ID's. They have report cards, gifts, and more. Bye. I got my ID and looked through the Monokuma file. She was killed with a knife, she had a sharp piece of wood in her right hand, and her left hand.... she didn't have one. Ummm.... ok. That's what was all in the Monokuma file. But the was one more thing I noticed. I saw the symbols VNNV. I took Kathena and Ninja to look around the school.

"I smell burning flesh." Kathena muttered.

"You can SMELL burning flesh?" Ninja asked.

"Ummm... yeah. Weird talent." Kathena muttered. We found a room that had an incinerator and garbage disposal. We found a blue jacket sleeve and a pen next to a broken incinerator starter. We saw all of this from the steel shudders.

Sammi and Vince both testified that they saw Liv go into the kitchen at night while they drank coffee.

Alright. Time for class trial. Everyone go to the elevator on the first floor. It's red. Can't miss it.

Thank you for reading,guys. I really enjoy writing and having you all in here. So comment, vote, and follow. Thanks guys. Love you.

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