Episode 86: Bat Man Beyond Vs Spider Man 2099

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"So what's the next Deathbattle were watching tonight?" Yang said

"Apperently it's another batman vs Spider-Man battle" Weiss

"And its said to take place in the future" Blake said

"Awesome let's watch it!" Ruby said as she started the episode


(Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston)

Wiz: The future. Everyone wants to see it, and why not? It has robots, flying cars, and of course, superheroes.

"The awesome kind of heros" Yang said

Boomstick: Yeah, the future still has those, but they're even cooler cause of all the sweet gadgets.

Wiz: Like Terry McGinnis, the Batman Beyond.

"So he's the next generation Batman" Weiss

Boomstick: And Miguel O’Hara, the Spider-Man from 2099. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

"That suit does look amazing" Blake said

"Batman beyond or the future Spider-Man?" Yang said

"Both of them" Blake said

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Batman Beyond

(*Cues: Heavy Rain - Blade*)

Wiz: Terry McGinnis was your average futuristic high school student.

"Just like us" Ruby said

Boomstick: He went to future raves, complained about future problems, had a future girlfriend, eh, you know, the usual!

Popup: Self proclaimed "Bad Kid" who joined a street gang as a teen and attended JUV for three months.

"What's JUV?" Weiss said

Wiz: Until one fateful day, when Terry got into a fight with a group of Jokerz.

"Jokerz?" Ruby said

Boomstick/Yang: What's he got against comedians?

"I'm pretty sure he's not talking about comedians" Weiss sais

Wiz: No no, a GANG called the Jokerz, you know, like THE Joker?

"Oh THAT joker" Ruby said getting it

Boomstick/Yang: Ah, but with a Z, cause it's the future.

Wiz: Well naturally. After possibly the most dangerous motorcycle chase ever put on television...

Boomstick: Nah, it's cool, he's got a helmet.

"Oh that's a relief" Yang said

Wiz: Terry found himself inside an isolated mansion owned by an elderly billionaire named Bruce Wayne. Here, he stumbled upon the most important revelation in his life.

"Lemme guess he found Batman is Bruce Wayne" Weiss said with sarcasm

Boomstick: Bruce Wayne is Batman! (sarcastic) Oh, what a surprise! Well, more like, he WAS Batman. He retired from crime fighting years ago cause, you know, age is a bitch.

"Oh like with uncle qrow" Ruby said

Popup: Retired after he was forced to use a gun to survive a criminal encounter.

"Oh I guess that could be the reason since Batman never used a gun before" Blake said

Wiz: Wait a minute, after decades of secrecy, a punk teenager just happens to stumble into the Batcave? For crying out loud, if he'd found my secret lair, he'd have been vaporized on the spot.

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