Ch. 12 The projector incident

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~Y/n pov~

We all sat in Bill's garage, the projector was on, displaying a map of Derry and the sewer systems, we were all crowded round it trying to figure out what this thing was they kept seeing .

I was sat next to Eddie ,  Richie and Stan we're behind us . Mike and Bill stood behind the projector, Ben and Beverly were sat on the other side of it .

"Look," Bill pointed to the area on the map labelled storm drain, "T-t-that's w-where G-Georgie dis-sappeared. T-there's the I-iron works a-and t-the b-b-black s-spot. E-everywhere it h-happens it's all c-connected by t-the s-s-sewers."

To our amazement it all made sense, things were starting to come together, there was a pattern.

"T-they all lead t-to the"
Ben cut him off, "Well house."
"It's the house of Neibolt street." Stan pointed out , feeling uneasy.

"You mean that creepy ass house?" I asked.
"Where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie added.

Eddie started coughing violently, he hunched over and took his inhaler, at this point he was gasping for air, panicked.

"I hate that place." Bev emphasised the 'hate' , "it always feels like it's watching me."

"That's where I saw it." Eddie was still panting, "that's where I saw the clown."

"T-t-that's w-where It lives." Bill stuttered.
Eddie inhaled sharply, taking his inhaler yet again.

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." Stan grimaced.

Eddie suddenly stood up startling me, Richie put a comforting hand in my shoulder.

"Can we stop talking about this? I-I-I can b-barely breathe. W-we're kids. I-I c-can barely b-breathe. I'm up h-here having a f-fucking asthma attack." Eddie panicked as tears threatened to spill .

He took a sharp intake of breath , "I'm not doing this."

Eddie violently ripped the map of the wall.

"W-what the hell?" Bill exclaimed, "P-put it b-back."

Eddie shook his head no, "mmm-mmm"

Suddenly, the projector started clicking even though no one was touching it.

We all turned our attention to the screen as pictures of Bill and his family appeared.

Eddie backed away frightened, I stood up backing up into Richie.

"What happened?"

It continued flickering from picture to picture, going faster and faster.

"I got it. Hold on." Mike started fiddling with it but still it continued.

Until suddenly, it stopped on a family photo of Bill and his family at church.

I was beyond frightened, I gripped Richie's hand tightly as he gripped back just as hard.

It zoomed in on Georgie.

"G-Georgie?" Bill asked.

The projector clicked rapidly , but then the view shifted to the side to show Bill's mother , it zoomed in on her face, which was being covered by her hair.

With each click , the hair started moving until it revealed It's face.

"What the fuck?" Me and Richie screamed backing away.

"What the fuck is that? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Richie screamed at me.
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I screamed back.

"Turn it off! TURN IT OFF!" Bev yelled.

Mike bravely kicked it, and all went back, but only for a moment.

The projector displayed a picture of pennywise on the wall it was facing, it flashed a few times and then he was no longer in the photo.

He appeared in front of us and roared, he was way bigger than a human.

Me and Richie scrambled away.

Stan stood frozen as It turned to face him.

"Run away Stanley!" Richie yelled.

"Run the fuck away!" I screamed.

Stanley sprinted away, as the light continued to flicker.

Me and Richie clung to eachother , "what the fuck?"

It then appeared in front of Bev, she was completely backed into the corner with nowhere to run.

Ben and Mike threw open the garage door and just like that It disappeared.

Bev shakily walked to Ben, patting his shoulder , "Thanks Ben."

She then walked to Bill and they hugged.

"It saw us!" Eddie exclaimed, "It saw us and it knows where we are."

Bill walked towards his bike, "So let's go."

"Go?" Ben asked, "Go where?"

"Neibolt." Bill responded.

"Are you serious after what just happened? Are you insane?" I asked incredulously.

"T-that's where G-Georgie is." Bill responded sadly.

Richie clutched my hand tightly, pulling me slightly into his side, "It's summer, we should be outside."

"If you say it's summer o-one more f-f-fucking time." Bill complained angrily.

With that said, he grabbed his bike and left us.

"Bill! Wait!" Beverly yelled.

We all exchanged a scared look.

"We can't let him go on his own, he's easy bait." I remarked.

Everyone silently agreed, without a second thought.

We all scrambled to our bikes and cycled after Bill.


822 words

A/n almost halfway there.

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