You're Wrong

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Two days after Riley came out of the hospital, it was now their graduation, Roman, Dean, Seth and Riley were graduating, on account of Riley being in the advanced class

She stood backstage, their dad wasn't here, he was on another business trip and Riley stood with Roman and Seth as they waited to collect their certificates

"Yo Ambrose!" Seth called out and Riley froze cuz she hadn't seen or spoken to Dean since that day in the hospital and as she turned her head and saw him, all slicked and decked in the black cap and gown, her breath caught

"Hey guys," he said, bro-hugging Seth and Roman

"Hi Riles," he then said, smile getting more tender as he leaned in to hug her, she made sure to take a deep breath so she could get drunk on his scent, she gingerly felt the kiss being pressed to her head and she felt like crying as she remembered that today was the day, Dean was leaving. There was approximately 2 hours before Dean was leaving her life forever

She was next to Roman and Seth and Dean was a bit in front of them and Riley couldn't stop staring at him, Dean Ambrose, god he's beautiful.

She felt a hand grab her knee and she looked into Seth's brown eyes

"You're staying aren't you?" He asked knowingly and she bit her lip and nodded, Dean already made that decision for her

"Mustafa Ali!" The professor announced

Seth bit his lip, and stroked his thumb over Riley's knee

"Let's go outside," he told her and she blinked

"Dean Ambrose!" And Riley clapped louder than anyone as the love of her life walked across the stage towards the professor who had the diplomas

"I'm so proud of him," she said quietly to Seth and he looked at her, when Dean took his seat again, she got up and took Seth's hand and excused themselves to Roman

"Why are you staying Rile?" Seth asked as soon as they were alone and she raked her hand through her hair

"Dean made that decision for me, he's leaving without me," she explained and Seth gaped

"He made the decision for you?" He repeated

"Yup, he told me I didn't take his feelings into consideration then he broke up with me," she said with a shrug

"You're kidding," he told her in shock and she shook her head, she really wished she didn't have to explain this to anyone

"He's bluffing," Seth insisted, unwilling to believe that Dean so easily gave up on Riley

"I'll say it again Ri, this decision is supposed to be the best thing for you and only you, you wanna stay here cuz that's what Dean and Roman want for you? Trust me when I say you'll regret not going, you'll just be here wondering what might have been. That's no way to live." He said and then cupped her cheek

"You deserve to be happy to Ri," he finished and she looked into Seth's eyes and he sighed and let go of her

He patted her shoulder and walked back into the hall as tears began flowing down Riley's cheeks and she put her hands over her face and cried for a solid 10 minutes, before steadying herself and walking back in just in time to see Dean and Seth walk out now, she collected her diploma and Roman told her there was a mix up and instead of calling her, they called Seth

"Are you okay?" Roman asked and Riley nodded, not trusting her voice and Roman frowned, he knew his sister was hurting. He knew she was torn between the life she thinks she wants and the life she deserves

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