Chapter Thirty Five

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Maeve could count the number of times she forgot how to do something on the fingers of one hand. The slips were always caused by a disconnect between her mind and body. She might see her one true love (coffee) and forget how to walk in a straight line. Or know a dance routine back to front in her mind, but be out of practice at putting that into actions. 

So when Maeve forgot how to breathe, it was a surprise. A calm voice inside her head urged,

"Come on, idiot, you just inhale and then push it out again. You've done it roughly 160 million times before, it's not that hard. Remember all the breathing physiotherapy we've gone through. You're an expert."

Her lungs didn't seem to take any notice. Maeve's vision tunnelled and her body went numb with shock, trembling uncontrollably. The world had slowed down and sped up at the same time. Her mouth opened and sucked at air, but it felt like she was in a vacuum.


Dabi had never killed someone before. He didn't even have time to consider how it felt. Maeve collapsed onto her knees, frame shaking uncontrollably. The homeless man's ash settled over everything, including her hair. She let out a small cry, chest heaving, trembling hands reaching up to bury themselves in curls. He'd pulled her into himself so roughly Maeve's hairband snapped and a silver mane tumbled wildly over the girl's shoulders.

Her mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out except horrified sobs. Their eyes met and Dabi felt slightly nauseous at the expression on Maeve's face. He couldn't describe it.

Why the horrified look, sweetheart? If you didn't realise I was a monster before now, you're stupider than you think you are. I certainly look the part, that should've been a clue.


The scarred man didn't waste any time. He was efficient, Maeve would give him that. Dabi immediately strode across the room to examine Janus's scant belongings, not saying a word. Maeve was dragged along behind him. When she entered a full-blown panic attack, hyperventilating to make up for lost oxygen, he took no notice.

Any identifying documents were cremated. The girl never learned what Janus's real name was. She tried to touch Dabi's hands at one point but they grew so hot against the back of Maeve's neck she whimpered and snatched her fingers away. It was clear the only reason he'd been so gentle with her previously was because she'd given him no cause to act roughly.

Once the whole room was checked, Dabi paused and shook her by the collar like a badly behaved dog.

"Any more idiotic escape attempts and I'll make the next person's death less quick, got it?" He snarled. Maeve nodded, cheeks wet. The man was completely terrifying. Dabi obviously didn't enjoy intimidating her, he wasn't sadistic like her mother, but the terrorist knew exactly what he had to do to get the girl to submit. Being manhandled triggered even more childhood trauma, which made her shrink as small as she possibly could. 

Maeve had failed. That was her last chance; they'd be moved after this to a more secure location. It was then that the reality of her situation fully hit her. Dabi had proved the terrifying truth, that as soon as she'd been captured, the League had full control over her life. She wasn't built for fighting. Her quirk was powerful, but not in combat as long as the person could keep Maeve's hands away from them. She was so weak. Her body was pathetic.

That man had died protecting her without knowing Maeve at all. She couldn't save him.

Dabi pulled her down a rickety stairwell and out into the pitch darkness. The rain was so heavy Maeve was instantly soaked to the bone, and her sopping hair fell in her face. 

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