Chapter Thirteen, Part IV

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Victoria: Gritty Encounters

"The solar," she said as she guided him toward the front of the castle. She glanced behind her and caught Lorik's eye. He stood back a way but intently kept his gaze focused on Victoria's. A swift shake of her head had him turning away. As she and Perry went further away from the entrance hall, she heard Gemma declaring that she didn't like all this business at all.

"Love what you've done with the place," Perry offered as they came into the solar. Immediately, Victoria released his arm and moved to one of the large square windows. She peered out into the vast expanse, miles and miles of craggy earth on either side of the crystalline water of the Green Lake. From this view, she could barely make out the outline of Hawthorne on the other side of the body of water.

"I love this room," she announced, her breath fogging up the glass.

"You enjoy the calming hum of that waterfall that flows beneath the castle?" Perry inquired. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him pick up a wooden owl figurine from a table and examine it.

"No." She turned back to the window, her eyes taking in the majesty of the Green Lake nestled in between the granite and stone. "I can see everything from this single spot." Victoria heard the owl being placed back upon the table. She braced herself for what he would say next.

"Yet, you did not see my entourage approaching," Perry observed. "We took you quite by surprise." He came up right beside her. She could see his reflection in the cool glass before her. His animated mouth was quirked in a grin.

"I have been recently indisposed." She turned to face him, making sure that her arms were crossed, forming a barrier between them.


"A... private matter, I'm afraid."

"Come on." His smile widened, drawing his craggy face downward like a tree leaning in the wind. "Vicky-"

"Don't call me that!" she hissed. Her fingers dug into her arm as she resisted the urge to slap that grin off his face.

Perry seemed unfazed. "Fine." He stepped back casually. "Keep you secrets," he winked at her, "and I'll keep mine."

An image of bleeding red eyes encompassed by dark antlers darted across her vison. Shaking her head, Victoria closed her eyes. When she opened them, Perry was making his way to the back wall. She let out a sigh of relief.

"You didn't come to Cascade Castle because you were in the area," Victoria told him as she cleared her throat. She walked away from the window and placed her hands on the back of an old wooden chair that sat on the other side of a table.

Perry flicked out both wrists. "You've got me," he admitted. "There's something coming, Vic." She ignored the nickname.

"What?" Victoria pressed. "What could you possibly know?" She remembered now why she always hated talking with Perry. Trying to get information out of him was like walking across the snow barefoot. It was why their relationship had consisted of more intimate activities than making small talk.

"The Black Stag." He looked up at her. Something flashed in his eyes. If she didn't know him better, she would have said it was greed, but she did know him. Or at least she had at one time, years ago. The glimmer in his gaze was intrigue.

Victoria looked around. For some reason when Perry had said those words, she could have sworn that the temperature had dropped. Her hands fell from the chair to rest at her sides. "What do you know about the Black Stag?"

"He's growing more powerful every day." Perry put his hands behind him and began to slowly circle the room. "The Wolf is gone, missing somewhere. Donal and I went to Clive's wedding to see if anything could be gleaned from the ceremony."

"The only thing that idiot did was weaken the defenses and stir up ill magic!"

"They are all fools," Perry said. "They don't know any better. Nearly all of the realm believes the Black Stag's lies. They let us practice what we want in this little corner in the west, as long as we mind our p's and q's and kiss the Commander's ass when he comes to check on us, but soon Clive is going to learn the truth."

"How does this benefit you?" Victoria asked carefully. "I know you, Perry." She gripped the back of the chair again. "You don't just do things on a whim. You have a plan; I know you do."

"Join me," Perry told her. "Aid me in forging an alliance with the covens in the west and let us use this chance to finally show the kingdom the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to find the wolf." His green eyes lit up when he met her gaze again. "I want to find the wolf and release the Black Stag. We swoop in and save the day, and we will be the saviors of the realm. The people will see that all these years, we've been right, the believers in the old ways!"

A stirring in her chest made heat creep up Victoria's face. Pride swelled within her Yes, she thought, it is time that those fools take us seriously. It is time that they learn the truth! It is out time to rule Verlic!

She met Perry's gaze. "How are you going to pull this off?"

A crooked smirk danced across his lips. "With your help, of course."

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