+ | romantic battles

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"Thor!" Ingrid yelled as she slashed her sword backward, stabbing the creature coming up from behind her

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"Thor!" Ingrid yelled as she slashed her sword backward, stabbing the creature coming up from behind her. Her head swung around wildly, looking for the blonde god that she loved, unable to spot him. Ingrid let out a yell as she jumped up, stepping on the head of her enemies and jumping onto the top of a house. She whipped the green blood that she had on her hands, on the straw house.

Ingrid's eyes went back to the front of her, widening as a creature jumped up on top of her, sending her through the roof causing her to land on a table. "For the love of Odin!" Ingrid shoved her forearm that was covered with black coat sleeve into the creature's mouth, cringing as she felt its teeth. Ingrid looked at the fork lying next to her, letting out a loud yell as she threw the creature back before quickly grabbing the fork.

The creature came to its sense but it wasn't quick enough as Ingrid stabbed its eye with the fork, the creature freezing before slumping on the floor. Ingrid groaned at the green blood that was all over her hand before looking down at her satin red dress, getting angrier with the green bloodstains. She turned as she heard whimpering from behind her, seeing a couple standing in the corner shaking. Their horse like facial features had fear written all over them as Ingrid walked toward them.

"Thanks for this, sorry about your roof." Ingrid grabbed the wine next to the, popping the cork with her teeth and waltzing out the door before closing it behind her. She chugged the wine down, noticing a creature running toward her causing her to whip her mouth and smash the bottle over the head of the lizard-like creature.

Ingrid strolled through the streets, stabbing all of the creatures that came after her until she ended up at an open field, white flashes coming down from the sky as the creatures were drawn there. Ingrid sighed and leaned against a tree, watching as Thor struck them all down with thunder. His white shirt was covered in green splotches and his usually spiked up hair was slightly flat as his forehead was drenched with sweat.

"Thor!" The god turned, grinning at the sight of Ingrid walking toward him, her heels stabbing into the flesh of their enemies as she walked over their charred bodies. Thor embraced her, giving her a quick kiss before pulling back. "You taste like wine." Ingrid nodded as she pulled away, putting her hands on her hips as she gave him a look. "I had to have some element of a romantic evening."

Thor sighed and rubbed his hand over his face as they walked to their rendezvous spot just up ahead. "I'm sorry. I didn't know this town had horse-like citizens that had lizards come and raid their town and eat their children. Anyway, the man at the restaurant was the one that told me about it. Blame him." Ingrid rolled her eyes and grabbed Thor's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"Yes, but he wasn't the one that went out for air and then left to go fight." Thor nodded as they stopped, Ingrid, placing her free hand on the side of his face. "I'm glad you're a good man. Even if it ruined our romantic night." They turned as the Guardians ship landed in front of them, lowering the entrance.

"Hey, Drax. What the hell was that? Why didn't you tell us about the lizards that eat children? We had to kill them all and we only had breadsticks at dinner." Drax turned, his face slightly confused as he sat up from sharpening his knife. "What? I told you it was romantic. Ovette and I used to go slaughter those creatures before making love underneath the moonlight on the grass. I conceived my daughter there."

Everyone in the room let out a groan at the mention of Drax procreating who looked up with a slight smile. "Okay, I don't want to hear anything about these lizards and I especially don't want to hear about Drax's lovemaking." Quill stood up from his seat and walked out of the room causing Thor to look behind him and look at the rest of the group.

"He's just angry because he's not getting any." They all let out loud laughter before Quill stormed back in and put his hands on his hips. "I can hear you and I am getting-I am getting plenty. " They all laughed at him as he walked out of the room, his face red with anger.

HELLO!!! I have missed you all and I've missed Ingrid and Thor and because the world is going crazy and I suddenly have all this time on my hands, I wrote this lil snippet. Now, I would like you to appreciate this as canon but of course, it's not if I decide to write Ingrid into the next Thor movie which most likely might be his last movie so..maybe? I hope you all are keeping safe and I would like to thank you all for 190K reads. That is literally insane and thank you.

Thanks, Queenie.

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