Chapter 1

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"How long now?" Izanami asked turning to her companion. "Not long now Lady Iza" Sakura smiled as he pointed to the horizon. "That town over there will house us tonight then we will set out for Azuchi again at first light" he explained. "Are we not half a day away from Azuchi? We should ride until we reach it" her sharp glare didn't work on Sakura who simply smiled.

"The horses are exhausted because you forced them to travel another half day without rest. Besides Lady Iza, would you really want Lord Nobunaga to see you like that?" Sakura looked at her armor that was covered in a bit of blood. Izanami's eyes softened as she thought about Nobunaga. "Very well we shall rest" she looked away and straightened her back.

Sakura chuckled quietly as he saw the small pink tinge of her cheeks. "What's so funny?" she glared at Sakura. "It's amazing how much Lord Nobunaga changed you my lady. You are both feared throughout this land and yet you both turn into complete mush when you're together" he laughed even louder.

"I will kill you where you sit" she placed her hand on the hilt of her katana. "If you did then who would look after you when you're on the road?" he smiled knowing she didn't have an answer. She huffed and let go of her sword and grabbed the reins. They rode the remaining distance and stopped at a quiet inn.

"Would you like to have dinner?" Sakura looked from behind his horse as he secured it to a post. "No I'm going to the bath" she said turning on her heals. Sakura chuckled and shook his head. "Well at least you two should eat" he patted the horses.

Izanami let the warm water wash over her body. Sighing quietly she ran a hand over her face. "I want to go home already" she whispered a longing look filled her eyes. Shaking her head she continued to wash herself until any sign of dirt or blood was gone.

"I thought I said no to the dinner" Izanami said walking into the room. "You really should stop skipping meals Lady Iza, it's not healthy" Sakura shook his head and motioned for her to sit down. "I really don't want to hear that from someone that only eats rice.." she looked down at his single large bowl of rice.

"Come now the sooner you eat, the sooner you sleep, and the sooner we depart" he waved his hand down. "Fine" she mumbled and sat down to eat. Sakura looked at her through his bangs his smile disappearing. "You're staring" she said chewing soundlessly. "I had to make sure you were actually eating" he smiled and continued to eat his rice.

"My Lady please stop randomly speeding up" Sakura sighed as he went to match her speed only to have her go into a full sprint. His smile disappeared again as he looked at her, 'Why did we have to go to Azuchi that day?'. Shaking his head he sped up and together they managed to cut down their trip into a quarter.

"Is that Lady Izanami?" they turned to see Mitsunari and Ieyasu carrying large crates. Setting them down they walked over to them, "So you got our present Ieyasu?" Sakura smiled happily. "Yes thank you" he mumbled looking away. "You should have seen how overjoyed Lord Ieyasu was when he got word" Mitsunari tilted his head innocently.

"I was no- oh whatever" he huffed.  "Lady Izanami we weren't expecting you today were we?" Mitsunari asked. "No this is another surprise inspection" Sakura shook his head as he watched his Lady look around.

"Nobunaga is out with Hideyoshi right now" Ieyasu said his flat face cracking just a little as she turned to him. "Where?" her eyes narrowed. "A neighboring daimyo was causing a ruckus and attempting to gather allies against Nobunaga. They went to go surprise him" Ieyasu said looking away from her piercing eyes.

"He went to fight without me?" grabbing the hilt of her sword again she became visibly angry. "Lady Iza, Lord Nobunaga didn't even know you were coming. Let's just go inside and wait for him okay?" Sakura placed a hand on her shoulder. Izanami huffed and began to walk inside. "Good morning Lady Izanami" the guards at the gate bowed. "Morning" she mumbled out without a second glance.

"Oh my god did you hear that? The Queen of Azuchi has blessed me" the guard looked at his companions with utmost happiness. "No way! I was too nervous to say anything" the other groaned grabbing his head like it was the ultimate loss. Ieyasu watched them as he left a look of slight disgust gracing his face.

"Rest until Lord Nobunaga returns, I'll go help Mitsunari and Ieyasu with the boxes" Sakura said closing the doors and walking down the hall. Izanami began to take off her armor and slipped into a yukata. Putting her sword in her obi she left the room and made her way to Nobunaga's. "Empty" she said knowing it would be but still feeling disappointed.

Closing the door behind her she walked over to his desk and sat down. She smiled as her eyes caught a familiar looking bear. "We meet again Bearsace" she lifted it up and ran her thumb over it. "Have you been watching over him like I asked?" she chuckled and set it down. "Huh?" A new addition to his desk had been made. She reached for the frame and smiled widely. It was their wedding painting.
"Nobunaga, come home soon" she whispered holding the picture close to her chest.

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