Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The Center appeared before them, a beautiful two-story stone building surrounded by its own natural haven. An environment, so different from the bustling city they had just left. Upon their arrival, several students had rushed out to greet them.

Lord Fitton spoke to them and soon they were unpacked and offered refreshments. They waited, for what, Sturgis and Clara were uncertain. "I asked to speak to the Master. His family has long practiced their traditions. You both will be in very capable hands, of this I am certain."

Sturgis grabbed Clara's hand. His palm was sweaty, his nervousness came off of him in waves. Clara gave his hand a squeeze. The Master Guru had joined them after some time.

"Lord Fitton, my apologies for keeping you and your family waiting." He spoke English. Clara felt relieved. If Lord Fitton did need to leave she wouldn't be left at a total loss.

"We quite understand and appreciate the time you are taking with us," Lord Fitton replied with a bow of his head.

Sturgis' need to be here had become clear the instant the Guru looked at him. He rested his hand on the Sturgis' shoulder. "How have you come to lose your sight young man?"

"A blinding light from a lightning storm at sea. It is returning slowly I went from nothing to shadows of light and dark but still, most of the world is hidden from me."

"My physicians will need to examine you. Once they have they will prescribe the best course of treatment for what ails you. We do not deal with the treatment of symptoms but rather the treatment of the whole self. Before we begin, however, your body must be cleansed, through diet and meditative practices. Do you feel prepared for such a journey?"

"To be honest with you, I would like to think so. I want my sight back. I believe because they believe that you can heal me and I so want to be healed."

Clara's felt the stab of pain in her heart as she watched a tear slid down Sturgis's cheek. She reached out and wiped it away. "Do you truly believe he can be healed?" she asked.

The Guru smiled at her. "It is what we do here. We deal in balancing a person's doshas so that they can realign and be healed. Our body has it's own rhythm and when we get ourselves out of balance it puts the body at dis- ease. We work to restore that balance to a person so that their body can do what it is created to do. The body is a magnificent vehicle for healing. It knows the way if we put it on the right path."

"Doshas?" Lord Fitton asked. It was evident by the look on his face he found all this fascinating as a man of science.

"Doshas are like the map of a person's body. Like a fingerprint no two are alike. They are made up of an individual's shape, behavior, emotions, and appearance.

Although different, what unites us are the elements found in all living things – ether, air, fire, water, and earth. How these elements manifest through the doshas and in what portion in an individual is what makes us truly unique.

Many things can affect them stress, weather, just our human condition. Habits good or bad can shift us out of balance but when we realign ourselves is when the healing can begin. We can unlock our body's true potential to heal.

I will take your son back if you would like and introduce him to our doctors."

Sturgis looked eager to get started, so Lord Fitton had agreed. When the Guru returned, sometime later, he sat at the table with them and turned to Clara.

"I have been told you have your own concerns?"

Clara's mouth felt so dry she merely nodded as she felt she could not speak. Knowing she must she willed herself to do so. "I wish to conceive and I am having... difficulties."

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