The Pack's Elementals Prt 2

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Rob's POV

Waiting for Preston to wake up was starting to really test me. I'd had to fight off a number of goblin-like creatures, And I didn't even know how I was doing it. I looked around at the almost swarms of little green creatures. Coming in droves out of the forest I woke up in. Waking up to see these creatures standing around me. I freaked for three reasons, One I was in a strange place I'd never seen before. Two I was surrounded by these goblin things with their almost sewn shut eyes with green outfits to camouflage in the forest, And Three. Preston was out cold beside me. I was not letting anyone near him while I breathe. If these guys want us, They can fucking fight me. And sometimes one by one, Sometimes in groups, they tried to attack. Closing the distance before leaping at me with the clubs and sticks in their hands trying to beat me over the head or crush me or who cares.

Rob: "What the fuck is going on?"

I held onto the guns in my hand, Shotting bullets made of pure Ice faster than the eye could see. As soon as I use my finger to hit the trigger, the bullet would fire and take send the goblin stumbling backwards before it would try again, The more shots I fired at them, The slower they got so it made me think my bullets being made of ice, Was enough to slow them down per shot I made. Which definitely made it slightly easier to handle the multiple amounts that were trying to attack me.

Rob: "God damn this, There has to be an easier way to deal with these things."


Rob: "What?"

I hesitated for half a second, Only half a second before I could barely hold off 4 of those things all leaping at me at once, I brought my hands up to try and minimise as much damage as fucking four blunt force objects can do to me but didn't feel anything. As I steeled myself for another onslaught, I noticed a woman standing beside me holding a long staff in her hands, Her long blonde hair tied in a single ponytail as it curved towards the end. She looked over at me quickly before she lifted her staff up, Two pure white feathers sprouting from the sides of the top before she swung it to her right, lifting up and smacking it hard on the ground in front of her. Causing the ground to shake a little before a circle rose from around us, Closing off as it curved to a dome shape around us.

????: "That should give us a few minutes to breathe. Why aren't you using your skills or magic? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Rob: "I don't know who you are, Where I am, Or what's going on. My boyfriend is unconscious and won't wake up and I have no idea what the fuck is going on."

????: "What do you mean you don't understand? Did your instructors not teach you? Fuck right you have abilities catering to your element and class? Right, ok this is fine I can handle this. I need you to do something for me? It might help wake up your friend."

Rob: "Anything."

????: "I need you to Aim true, I need you to fire more than a single shot and I need you to pull your shit together."

She smacked me on the head with her staff, But I couldn't feel any pain, Instead, I felt my body get a little exhausted, Not enough to slow me down, but like I'd just gone on a short jog. It was a strange feeling.

????: "That's your health, I'll heal you now but you need to understand you don't feel the physical pain, But your body will slow and start to shut down. When it happens, you need to get the fuck out of there and rest. Or if you have a healer with you, Get them to cast a spell and you will be fine. We have two minutes of my wall here and I'd rather not have you die. Are you ok?"

I watched her throw her hand out as I felt my body start to liven up again. It was one of the strangest things I'd ever felt in my life.

????: "You really have no idea do you?"

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