Chapter 29

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"Where is Stark?"

"I have no idea sir."

The Avengers (minus Tony of course) were currently seated in the boardroom, waiting for a certain billionaire, playboy philanthropist. Each of them were trying to avoid eye contact with an incredibly irate Fury, whose projection was looming over them like a bad omen. And the news he wanted to bring them all didn't exactly sound good, so there was that.

They all turned as Tony finally strutted in, humming some Black Sabbath rock tune and gulping down another wicked alcoholic concoction.

"Tony, we said 7am. Not 'whenever-you-please' am."

"Time is relative, Cap," Tony remarked, waggling his finger playfully as he took the only remaining seat next to Natasha.

"And could you perhaps please stop drinking." Steve sighed. Sometimes Stark's alcoholic habit was just too much.

"Sobriety is bad for my liver," Tony retorted.

"Yeah there's just... something insanely wrong with you." Clint muttered, shaking his head. The group seemed more enraptured in Tony's alcoholic obsession than the reason for their gathering. Well, everyone but Fury, who surveyed the scene with a frozen look of displeasure on his face.

Tony poured himself another glass of bourbon from a bottle in the boardroom, much to Steve's disapproval, something Tony took note of.

"Another one won't kill me, Spangles."

"Keep thinking like that and you'll die of liver cancer."

Tony took a long gulp. "Lighten up, Debbie Downer. Why don't you have a drink?"

"Not really my thing, Tony. And anyway that stuff has little to no measurable effect on me."

He made a noise of mock horror. "Sentenced to a lifetime of sobriety. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

"I'd wish it on you. When was the last time you were sober three days straight?"

"Erm..." Tony realized he didn't have an answer. "Don't know, Cap. I tend to block out unpleasant memories."

"You mean you can't remember that far back."

"Oh, give it a rest," Tony sighed as he swirled the remains of his drink around. "The stuff helps me think."

Natasha almost snorted. "Sure."

"Hey, studies show-"

"I'm sure whatever you to say next is incredibly interesting Stark. But if you're done, perhaps we can get to the subject of this meeting?"

"Eye Patch!" Tony cried enthusiastically. "I've missed you and your beautiful...eye. I forgot there mwas a reason why we were all called down here."

"Apologies for Tony, Director," Steve said, as Tony made a sound of ignored indignation. "What did you call us in for, sir?" Tony rolled his eyes at the Captain's perfect-as-ever mannerisms.

"We've been picking up some alien reports and disturbances near Letchworth Village-"

"That creepy, abandoned village? It's not so far from here, is it?"

"How the fu-" Tony began.

"Language!" Steve cried, causing Clint to almost snort out the water he'd been drinking.

"This coming from the man that says "crap"?"

"How do you know of this place, Dr Banner?"

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