Chapter 4

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"You weren't supposed to come until Sunday."

I am woken up to someone talking at the bottom of the stairs. I turn over to see Niall not there so I slip from the sheets, tipping toeing over to the edge of the stairs.

"Wow Niall, thank you so much for inviting me in." My eyes grow wide right away when I hear Liam's voice. "I came the minute my sister called almost in tears."

I rush down the stairs, into my brothers arms, wrapping my arms around his neck, squeezing tight. My eyes well with tears of happiness and relief.

"God I missed you so much." I say, not letting go of Liam.

"I got the first flight I could find after you called me."

I pull back from Liam to see a shorter blonde guy standing behind him.

"Who's this?" I ask Liam.

"Right of course. Uh Charlie." He looks at me. "This is Parker." He points to the blonde boy. "Parker is Dani's brother." Liam shrugs. "Honestly, I will explain it all later."

"It's lovely to meet you." Parker shakes my hand with a smile. "Liam and Dani have told me a lot about you."

"Sounds okay to me." I smile at him. "Where is everyone?" I ask Niall.

"Uh they all went out to breakfast." He nods, looking down at me. "So we can go sit in the foyer." Niall gestures for everyone to go out to the foyer and I wait back with Niall.

"I told my family to leave for the day." Niall pulls me close, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I know how much my mum has been pressing on you so I figured you needed a break."

"Thank you." I nod looking up at him.

"But the hotel room won't be available for them until tomorrow."

"Well they can sleep in your room and we can sleep on the couch." I shrug. "I don't mind."

"You are kidding right?" He raises his eyebrows at me, stepping back. "More like they will sleep on the couch."

"We will talk about this later." I turn around to make my way to the foyer but Niall grabs my wrist, looking down upon me. "Come on." I tug at him, bringing him with me.

"Okay so slight problem." I enter the foyer with Niall behind me. "You won't be able to check into the hotel until tomorrow morning."

"Uh well we could just find a motel to pay for the night." Liam nods, looking back at Parker, continuing to nod.

"Oh god no!" I shake my head.

"Uh you guys can stay here for the night." Niall nods and I smile up at him. "But you fuckers are sleeping on the couch." He narrows his eyes at them both.

"I am going to go get dressed then we could do breakfast?"

"Sounds good." Parker nods.

I take Niall's hand, pulling him upstairs.

"Liam is the only good thing that has happened since I got here." I sigh, rummaging through the drawers looking for something to wear.

"I thought I was pretty great but okay." Niall changes into a black shirt and tight black skinny jeans with holes in each knee.

"Of course you are great." I walk over to him in only my bra and panties. "I thought that was implied." I rest my chin on his chest.

"You better get dressed and I am going to throw you on this fucking bed and fuck you right now." Niall bites back his lip ring, looking down at my body.

"Fine." I drag myself back to the dressers, throwing on a pair of black leggings and an oversized black and white baseball shirt with a maroon scarf and black combat boots.

"You are going to want a jacket you know." Niall presses. "Fall is here my love."

I throw on my leather jacket and hug Niall, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head against his chest. "I love how you look out for me."

"It's my job." Niall pulls me back, hands pressed against my cheeks as he presses his lips against mine.

"We should probably get back down there." I pull from Niall reluctantly. "They are waiting on us."

"And they can wait wait fucking longer." Niall pulls me back in, running his thumb along my bottom lip.

"Tonight." I whisper to him, wishing I could just stay in with Niall all day. "You can do whatever you want to me tonight." I smile, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"Are you sure your brother isn't gay and that is just his new lover?" Niall laughs to himself.

"Niall!" I smack his chest and he just laughs more.

"You two ready to go?" I ask Liam and Parker as we enter the foyer.

"I am ready to have some real irish food." Parker tells us all with a smile as we all gather outside. "I have never been out of America."

"Well you have come to the greatest place on earth." Niall grins as we make our way toward town. "It is quite nice to be out of the city for a bit, quiet is always nice."

Niall points out all the great shops and special places in town. It brings a smile to my face, seeing the glimer in Niall's eye as we walk deeper into town. I have never seen Niall this happy.

"It's beautiful here." Liam states.

"Thank you." Niall stops in front of the diner I was at yesterday. "It is kind of out dated as far as decore goes but god the food is fucking amazing."

"Looks like we will have to take your word for it." Parker nods and we all make our way into the small diner, sitting at the big corner booth.

"So when is Dani coming?" I ask Liam as I gaze at the menu, eyeing the milkshakes.

"In a couple weeks." He nods glancing over at Parker. "She had some things to finish at school and couldn't make it right away." He seems uneasy about the subject and I decide to hold off.

"Niall Horan?" We all turn to the voice that walks toward us. A short women with curly red hair stands at the end of our booth. "Holy shit that is you." Her accent is thick. He laughs as she hits Niall's shoulder. "I never thought I would see you around here for a long time. Granted it has been a very long time."

"Uh hi Ingrid." Niall winces.

Putting Together the Puzzle: A Dark Niall Horan FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now