Chapter twenty-eight

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The boys were going to go to class today so after a spot of breakfast they found their way to the defence classroom. Quirrels stutter was giving Harry a headache and Draco was struggling to keep up with what he was saying.

Draco, soon enough, was told by Harry to stop paying attention because it was stressing him out so. Harry handed Draco a few sheets of plain paper and a box of crayons, while he took notes for the both of them.

Harry was all too glad when the lesson came to an end, and Draco was fidgeting in his seat. Harry took the recently drawn and coloured pictures, folded them up, and placed them in his pocket. The fidgeting continued even as they were walking to their next lesson - history of magic - so Harry decided to take a quick detour to the toilets.

After that was done they arrived at their lesson, taking a seat at the back. Draco was asleep within five minutes and Harry got tired of waking him just for him to fall back asleep.

They learnt about the goblin wars and their strategies, and how they failed both times. Harry, having read the book, realised this was not in it; he decided to bring it up to the professor.

"Excuse me, Professor Binns?" The ghost turned to him with what Harry assumed was a smile. "Yes, dear boy?"

"Why aren't we learning about what's in the book?"

The ghost looked confused and picked up an old book that looked like it hadn't been opened in at least thirty years. "We are." He spoke a bit clearer and floated over to Harry to put the book down on the table.

Harry shook his head, "No sir, we were given this book on our list." He pulled out a pristine book, a little bit smaller than the dusty one in front of him.

Binns pushed his imaginary glasses up his nose and looked over the book Harry handed him. "I have never seen this book before in my life, young sir. I shall talk to professor Dumbledore about it, providing you were given instructions to get the same book?" He spoke out to the class.

Everyone nodded.

Harry got his book back, and Binns declared the end of class thirty minutes early.


You guys deserve an update. I'm so sorry I've been gone!! I'm going to delete the author's note before this so if you can't remember what it said this is it:

Anyway I'm really sorry for not being a good author. I got really really sick (and actually am still sick) and didn't have any energy. I mean, I literally haven't even finished fictober yet (it's currently the second of December).

I'll get back into it soon I promise!

I'd like to get a new chapter out this month but that is only a maybe. I'll definitely have one for you in January! I also have a lot of other fic ideas and inspo for this one are going a bit dry so I might work on some of my other wips and try and get back into that creative flair. If not, I'm afraid I may have to put this fic on hold purely because I've created so many storylines and quirks in it its getting hard to keep up with.

Much love, Author.

So that does still stand, but I hope to get back into the swing of things soon.

Also I finished fictober so please go read it! Each day has a different ship so there's bound to be at least one you like? I spent so long on it and it's barely been noticed.

Now before I go, merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah to anyone who celebrates!

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