It's Time

13K 454 855

WARNING: Suicide attempt, brief non-graphic mentions of self harm, implied abuse, implied sexual abuse

(no character death)

It was almost the end of the school day and Midoriya Izuku was tired. 

All he wanted to do was go back to his dorm room and sleep, but he knew that couldn't happen just yet. Sure, it was the end of his current class, but his friends surely wouldn't let him lock himself in his dorm all day. Its not like he could say he had homework to do either, they usually did that together. 

Izuku stretched in his seat. Getting up, slinging his bag up and onto his shoulder, he ruffled his own hair. 

"Deku!" Uraraka comes up next to him. "Wanna hang and do homework with the rest of us?", Izuku, sighed internally. Not trying to come up with an excuse, he plastered on a "I'm so happy, I could never be sad" face and agreed. Uraraka, obliviously smiled and turned on her heals, half expecting Izuku just to follow. 

Izuku let his face drop and sighed, following his group of friends out the door. 'After tonight, it'll all be over.. I won't have to fake it anymore'. Izuku's lips curled into a cold slight smile. 'yeah, tonight.. tonight around 11:50 I'll go up, take 10 minutes, then it will all be over and I'll be free'. Midoriya fully smiled on that thought and ran up to catch up with the rest of the group. Better savior every moment with them while it lasts. 

Unknowingly on Midoriya's part, Aizawa was in fact, watching the whole thing. Scarily enough, Aizawa when in "dad mode" as the UA staff calls it, he gets ultra (hah, get it?) protective of his students. He starts to pick up on the little things and ignore the shallower end of the picture. Looking at Izuku, anyone could see a happy and determined kid. Probably a good home life, only slightly bullied, nervous but yet confident in his hero and regular classes. But looking deeper, Aizawa started to notice something...different about Izuku Midoriya. Something almost strange and sad. 

Heading back to the teacher's lounge, Aizawa started to think about it more. Just like everyone else, Izuku isn't black and white, no matter how much it seems that way. He can be too emotional at times but he's always really happy when nothings bad is happening...right? 

Izuku Midoriya is not black and white.

Pouring himself a cup of coffee, Aizawa sat down at his desk and sighed. He's almost too happy..then it hit him. 

Izuku Midoriya is never happy.

Izuku Midoriya is faking it.

Izuku Midoriya is lying to everyone and getting away with it.

Izuku Midoriya was a stranger to everyone who thinks they know him.

Aizawa doesn't know the real Izuku Midoriya at all...

    ~~~~~~~~~Le Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

Midoriya checked his phone.


'Well, I better get ready. Wouldn't want to be late to my own death.' Throwing on a jacket to cover the scars that lay on his bare wrist, Izuku started to think.

He knew people cared about him and everything. He's been shown love. Like before Izuku's mother found out Izuku was going to be quirkless. After that though? He'd rather not think about. It rarely ever got physical, it was more mental. Except the one time it was neither...

Izuku didn't hate his mother either. He could understand where his mother was coming from. She had her husband never contact her, she had to be a single mother without being single. And above all, her son turned out to be a disappointment. 

Deciding not to dwell on that too much, he turned his thoughts to something different as he climbed the stairs to the roof. 

Izuku hated himself more than anything. As much as he hates to say it, he wishes he could be like Kacchan. He was egotistical and annoying, but he was loved. By himself and others. He was stronger than Midoriya could ever be. It's always been that way. 'Will Kacchan miss me?' He wonders and he steps onto the roof and heads towards to railing. 'I mean, I guess he would. He wouldn't have anyone to take his anger out on anymore. I feel bad for him'. Izuku took off his jacket and his shoes. He sighed and leaned on the railing. 'At least the view is pretty' Izuku smiled sadly at the thought.

Izuku's own thoughts were the problem. They hurt him more than anything. Its the one thing Izuku can't manage to escape. Its like a tornado or a hurricane. A storm rolls in, destroys everything you built up, and leaves for you to restart, just for the storms to come right back again. 

Swinging his body to sit on the railing, Midoriya took a deep breath. He took his phone out of his pocket. He removed the password and set up a lock screen to say "unlock to read note". He had already wrote and reread the note. Checking the time he saw it was 11:59pm. Midoriya tossed his phone onto the pile that had his shoes and his jacket. 

He took a deep breath, shut his eyes, and allowed himself to fall forward, smiling slightly as he did so. He was finally going to be free, he was going to be happy, he was going to be- 

He felt something tighten around his waist. Oh no. He felt himself being lifted. He felt a wave of nausea before everything went black. 


Aizawa woke up with a sense of dread. It was 11:50 at night and something didn't seem quite right. He checked the trackers he had on his students. Everyone seemed to be in their own dorms besides Kirishima who happened to be at Bakugo's dorm. Aizawa chucked in amusement and continued his search.

He came across Midoriya's marker. He had to do a double take. Midoriya wasn't in his dorm. In fact, It didn't show Midoriya to be in the dorms at all. Panic filled Aizawa's body. He clicked on Izuku's smiling icon that seemed to be mocking him in this very instance. 'The roof? Why would Problem child be on the..' He thoughts trailed off as it struck him. Not caring about his attire, he grabbed his scarf and ran.


He made it there just in time to see a body sliding off of the railing. He ran to the edge and flung his capture weapon as hard and far as he could. The scarf just barley grabbed the kid, but it did and Aizawa sighed in relief. He pulled the kid up and surprisingly it was not at all heavy. It was suspiciously too easy. Grabbing the passed out Midoriya, Aizawa crumbled to the ground and held back tears. Finally being able to think about the situation, Aizawa was so terribly sad. Noticing the items the seemed to be Midoriya's, he picked them up. Deciding now was not a good time to tell anybody about this yet, Aizawa carried Izuku back to his Aizawa's dorm, which was bigger than the student's by a long shot.

Entering, Aizawa set Midoriya down on his bed and did a health check up. (No, he did not look at Izuku's...yeah. He did a normal check up people get when they go to the doctors) Izuku was underweight, he could tell that just from looking at him. He bandaged Izuku's arms after he cleaned them and took care of the ones that happened to still be bleeding. 

He covered the sleeping boy and tucked him in. Aizawa then stepping back.

'Midoriya... what happened to you?'

Author Note: 

Ahh I'm sorry it took long. I'm suffering the inevitable writers block *i cri* sorry if this isn't good, i tried my best.

I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this book. If you're still here, thank you for sticking around. 

-Bee :3

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