Cant Say No

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Akaashi is twelve when it all begins.

Its a summer afternoon, clothes sticking with sweat in the humidity, even as the sun starts to descend outside of Akaashis window.

Bokuto lies half hanging off the bed, mouth wide open to accommodate the sweep of cold air brushing by.

Akaashis fan works hard against the heat licking at their skin as it bobbles along, turning from left to right in a steady motion.

Akaashi himself is at his desk at the end of the bed, pen in hand as he finishes the last of his homework.

He stretches, arms pulled in the air, back cracking up through his spine. He looks over his shoulder as the fan passes by Bokuto, fluttering his upturned hair, freshly bleached as white as the bunched clouds in the sky.

"Finished?" Akaashi, raises his eyebrows at Bokuto.

The boy turns to look at Akaashi, eyes wide and open, and then flitters to his unopened work book thrown half way across the room.

His jaw snaps shut with a click, his brows draw together and his mouth twists.

"When the hell in my life am I gonna need math" he sneers.

Akaashi swivels in his desk chair to properly face him. Bokuto was in a mood, a small one, edging on the fury that came with mathematics. It was nothing he couldn't fix though.

"How much change is in your pocket right now?" He prods.

Bokuto looks at him again, eyes curious under his thick eyebrows. The look is surveying, interested, and Akaashis inquiry is a diversion worth of suspicion.

He twists his body so he's lying up right on the bed again.

"Why, you wanna take a break and go buy popsicles?" his tongue darts out his mouth, swiping over his bottom lip.

A proposition ignored by the raven haired boy.

"Just do it" Akaashi folds his legs underneath him so he can sit cross legged in his chair.

Bokuto heaves a sigh before pushing himself up into a sitting position where he shoves his hands deep in the pockets of his blue shorts. Upturning them, coins and a candy wrapper fall out.

Bokuto looks up at Akaashi again, questioning. He only returns a nod that says go on.

Bokuto sifts through the coins, pushing them around in his hand.
"849 yen" he confirms, disinterested.

"Well done, you just used math" Akaashi smirks, twirling his pen between two fingers.

He is met with no reply.

Bokuto only stares at him, the coins soaking up the heat of his palm and turning sweaty. The fan hums behind them as a source of white noise.

Bokuto breaks out into an easy grin. Really it is funny how he could turn on and off like the flip of a switch, his outward views turning discrepant at Akaashis paticular wording.

"Wow Akaashi that's one way to look at it!" He muses. "But a future volleyball pro probably won't be taking hard math classes like algebra, aye". His tone is teasing and intrepid proudness lies just behind it.

"I guess if you can actually make it in volleyball, you... wouldn't have to" he taps his lip absentmindedly with a pen. A goading tease returned.

From the bed, the boy gawks.
"Of course I will. I'm the best at it! Akaashi tell me I'm the best" Bokuto leans forward on the palms of his hands.

Akaashi locks eyes with him. Looks at the desperation for praise that the boy seeked from everyone, but especially from Akaashi himself. He liked to think that his compliments fueled him the most.

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