Chapter Thirty-one

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This chapter is dedicated to ashleighryann for always being one of the first few people to read and vote on a chapter whenever I post. You are appreciated. Seriously, thank you so much, love!

 Seriously, thank you so much, love!

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The one word to describe how I feel right now would be miserable. But even that is an understatement. The whole day Jess avoided my sight like the fucking plague. I missed her over the weekend, but I missed her even more when she was next to me. So close yet so out of reach. I had to sit there while she pretended like I didn't exist, and I hated every fucking minute of it.

At least Ellyn is acting like nothing ever happened. She has found herself a new flavor of the week by the name of Wesley something.

"Can't wait to see you up there, Horatio." Ryan turns to me, his eyes full of humor.

"Hey! Don't mock. We're gonna nail it." Elle scolds and turns to the Wesley guy. "I saved you a seat at the front." She tells him.

He is looking at her like she is out of this world. Ellyn has always had a way of finding guys who worshipped her, but then she gets bored.

We hear distant shouting, and we all turn around.

"They are going at it again," Elle says.

We watch as Elliot and Brittany argue across the hall from us. Her hands fly around animatedly as she yells. Elliot yells back here and there, but he is no match for her. He finally hangs his head down in defeat, and she storms off. He doesn't follow her. He walks up to us, looking grumpy as ever.

"Trouble in paradise?" Ellyn mocks.

"Seriously, dude. It's time to end it. You guys make my parents look like Romeo and Juliet. It's alarming." Ryan says.

Elliot grits his teeth but keeps quite. He looks comical like this.

"Well, don't be late, you two. I have to go get things in order." Ellyn says before walking away with her boy toy.

"What are you staring at?" Elliot turns to me, looking vicious. "You're worse than the rest of us!"

"What the fuck? Chill, man. We're all friends here." Ryan says to him.

My blood starts to boil. He has been a fucking headache all weekend, and I'm done taking his shit.

"You know what, Elliot? I'm fucking tired of your "holier than thou" attitude. Don't forget you started dating her because of a dare too." I remind him.

"Which is why I don't want anyone else to hurt her the way I did. It was the biggest mistake of my life letting her go." He glares at me.

I laugh despite the situation. It is amusing to me that he is being so affectionate towards her, all of a sudden. I hate the fact that he thinks he actually has the right to say these things after everything he has done.

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