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Time went by like winter's wind. Before Eijirou knew it, it was already time to get going. Where? It's almost seven p.m. of the next day. He snatches up his only jacket and wraps it around him before plopping down the stairs once more. Taking his last gallop, he see's Jirou trying to fix up their radio. As he passes, he reaches out to ruffle her hair, "I'll be back, 'JJ'. Don't wait up."

Jirou flinches before she groans at Eijirou for ruffling her hair. Her strands folding against one another and falling forward to brush her cheeks and nose. "Yeah, yeah, whatever! Don't be out too long, mom'll kick my ass."

Eijirou waves her off, "you really think I'll be 'too long' with that punk? Hell to the no. Anyways," he zips his jacket to around his collarbones, "I'll get goin'." And just like that, he's off.

Nothing interesting happened the morning of that day. Eijirou barely even remembers what he did. Let's see, thinks he. He went to a mandatory morning announcement, ran some more errands around the state, did some voluntary work for the elderly? I guess that's pretty much it. As for yesterday, why'd he, out of all people, had fun? With that asshole? He's scowling at the ground and takes a stomp. Stop thinking about it.

So he tries and recall what had happened after making it home.

Eijirou and Jirou weren't scolded for being out that late. Just questioned. Afterward he only remembers popping two pills into the back of his throat to force them down.

He exhales at the tickling wind, it's harshness coming to pick fallen leaves off their feet as they twirled between his legs and danced through the night. Glancing over to the side, he sees that under the moonlight, some plants are hunched downward. It's as if they were overworked peasants, weak from the lack of water.

Fuck. For some reason, going to meet Kai for a second time flooded Eijirou in nerves. Was this because of the things Kai had said yesterday? "Shit!" under his breath he scowls . . . "that asshole doesn't have a clue what he's spewing."

His foot steps are like giants from a new silence. As he listened to only his footsteps and wind, he begins feeling queasy when reaching the arena. Breathe, he reminds himself.

For an 'arena', it really wasn't the largest. But that wasn't why Eijirou's disturbed by their 'arena'. It wasn't really a real arena, they live in a small neighborhood. Therefore, the only space for an 'arena' in their neighbourhood was here. Near the woods. He doesn't fuck with the woods. It's been told there's a metaphor with the town's people that the woods have eyes everywhere.

He always imagined those eyes being the eyes of the Hornet's. And no matter whoever they may be, Eijirou's always imagined the same set. Intimidating, lustful, eyes of sin.

Then again, Kai's supposed to be here soon. So to Eijirou, everything would be alright in a few minutes. He'd have to endure the creaking for just a little bit longer, that's all.

Eijirou shivers as grass weeds tickle at his wrists. Pulling his knees closer to his chest to hug himself tight, his eyes begin to wander toward the faraway lamp posts.

Over some time, the night grows colder and colder. And because of that, Eijirou grows more and more numb. Crickets around him whom chirping patterns never change starts to work like a clock in his mind. He's getting paranoid.

He hadn't realized how easy it was to tense up when he hears scuffling of leaves from behind him. Among the woods. His head spins to where the sound came and stiffens up to make sure he makes no sound. Ever so slowly, Eijirou lifts himself up to move a little ways away from the woods. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, Kai. Where the hell are you?

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